The code on this repo has been inspired by those repositories:
I have added test function for each elements in order to test the code and make sure everything is correct.
Abstract Structures (22)
Arrays (7)
- delete_nth
- flatten
- garage
- josephus_problem
- longest_non_repeat
- merge_intervals
- remove_duplicates
Linked List (7)
- Base
- Is Circular
- Double Linked List
- Part Linked List
- Sum Linked Lists
- Intersections
Heap (4)
- heap
- find N largest items seq
- Merge Sorted Seqs
- Priority Queue
Queue and Stack (5)
- queue
- animal shelter
- linked Queue
- Stack with Min
- Stack of Plates
Short Phone Interviews Problem (34)
- balanced
- binary search
- breadth search first : bst
- check anagrams
- combinaison
- find_0_MN_replace_cols_rows
- find_3_numbers
- hast table
- is_tree_balanced
- linked list
- longest commong substring
- longest increasing subsequence
- palindrom
- permutation
- queue
- stack
- tree
- add
- search
- print tree
- preorder
- inorder
- postorder
- Binary Search Matrix
- Routes Between Nodes
- BasketBall
- Coins
- Virtual Coins
- Permutations without dups
- Tower of Hanoi
- pgcd
- pgcdn
- pgcde
- ppcm
- ppcmn
- Operations
- Substract
- Recursive Multiply
- Divide
- Living People
Bit Manipulation (4)
- Inserstion
- Power of two
- Russian Peasant Multiplication
- Number Max
Sort And Searching (10)
Sort (7)
- Quick Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
- Count Sort
- Gnome Sort
- Heap Sort
- Sort Peaks and Valleys
Searching (3)
- rotated_search
- sorted_search_no_size
- sparse_search
Advanced (3)
- Dijkstra
- Newton Method
- Kruskal
Machine Learning from scratch (12)
Supervised (7)
- Decision Tree
- Knn
- SVM ( Bugs in original version )
- Naive Bayesn
- One vs One:
- Adaboost ( Simulation )
Unsupervised (3)
- Kmeans
- Gaussian Mixture
Utils (2)
- kernels
- operations
Thanks to
- eriklindernore
- keon
for their great code examples which I used to inspire myself