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Alexander Stumpf edited this page Feb 11, 2016 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the vigir_pluginlib wiki!


How to provide new plugins of your custom package 'my_package'. Steps 1-3 has to be performed within 'my_package':

  1. Export your plugin:
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>

namespace my_namespace
    : base_class_namespace::PluginBaseClass()

PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(my_namespace::MyPlugin, base_class_namespace::PluginBaseClass)
  1. Create my_plugin.xml file:
<library path="lib/libmy_package">
    <class type="my_namespace::MyPlugin" base_class_type="base_class_namespace::PluginBaseClass">
            MyPlugin: My awesome first plugin

Please take note that you cannot mixup plugins with base classes from different packages as you have to export for each package separately.


  1. Export to ROS Package System by adding into package.xml:
    <base_class_package plugin="${prefix}/my_plugin.xml" />

Note: The package.xml must directly depend on the base_class_package (build_depend and run_depend). Indirect dependencies won't work.

  1. Add class loader to plugin manager:
  vigir_pluginlib::PluginManager::addPluginClassLoader<PluginBaseClass>("base_class_package", "base_class_namespace::PluginBaseClass");

Note that there are indeed no modifications of base class package needed!

Details see here:


The vigir_pluginlib uses plugin_lib under the hood where many magic is happening. This can cause many unforeseen issues.

  1. MultiLibraryClassLoader blames about not existing library. Example:

[PluginManager] Plugin (thor_mang_step_plan_msg_plugin) of type_class 'thor_mang_footstep_planning::ThorMangStepPlanMsgPlugin' failed to load for some reason. Error: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type thor_mang_footstep_planning::ThorMangStepPlanMsgPlugin as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary()

Solution: Ensure all above steps have been done right. Another very weird issue may arise if you try to load plugins from a package A which have been depended from another package B which exports plugins too. NEVER DO THAT!!! As the library from A may be linked into B, while loading library B the MultiLibraryClassLoader may invoke all PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macros from A too. This confuses the class_loaders as all plugins from A seems now to be part of package B.

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