Use AWS IoT Enterprise Button as counter which send current value to Slack.
- Single click -> count up
- Double click -> check current value
- Long press -> reset counter
First, claim IoT Button device by following Claiming Devices - AWS IoT 1-Click.
Then, setup resouces using CloudFormation:
# Build Go source code.
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/main main.go
# Archive binary to zip file.
zip build/ bin/main
# Package Lambda binary and upload it to S3 bucket.
aws cloudformation package \
--template-file cloudformation-template.yml \
--s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET \
--s3-prefix "Lambda/$FUNCTION_NAME" \
--output-template-file packaged-template.yml
# Deploy all resources in AWS. (Also create CloudFormation stack)
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file packaged-template.yml \
--stack-name $STACK_NAME \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides "SlackWebhookUrl=$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL" "DeviceDsn=$DSN"
# Destroy all resources in AWS. (Also delete CloudFormation stack)
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $STACK_NAME