Developed a FULL STACK Application using React (Frontend View Framework), React Create App (To create React project), Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Basic Authentication and Authorization), In Memory Database H2, BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm).
- Developed a Todo Management Full Stack Application step by step - in more than 100 steps - with login and logout functionalities.
- Built awesome frontend applications with React using the basic of React - React Components (JSX, State, Props) and Routing.
- Built secured backend RESTful APIs with Spring Boot using Spring Security to configure Basic Authentication.
- Used a wide variety of Spring Boot Starter Projects - Spring Boot Web, and Spring Boot Data JPA.
- Connected an React Frontend to a RESTful API.
- Connected REST API to JPA/Hibernate with Spring Boot and H2 In Memory Database.
Terminal: /front-end/todo-app % npm start
IDE: /restful-web-service/src/main/java/com/tengxue/ run