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Act-ui backend ( 1.0.9 )


This is a backend component for the act-ui web app. Act-ui backend provides autocompletion data and enables communication with th2 infrastructure. To function properly, conn (or codec) components need to be connected to it.


th2-infra 1.5.2+ (1.5.3 is required if a target act compoenent is published on

th2-rpt-viewer 3.1.39+

th2-rpt-data-provider 5.1+

th2-conn components with common library v3 support

th2-act components with grpc service descriptions (see below)




http://localhost:8081/dictionaries/{session} - returns a list of dictionaries names in current schema by session name (see below)

http://localhost:8081/{dictionary} - returns a list of message templates names with the specified dictionary name

http://localhost:8080/{dictionary}/{message} - returns a single message template with the specified dictionary name and message name

http://localhost:8080/sessions - returns a list of sessionAlias specified in the configuration

http://localhost:8080/acts - returns a list of boxes names from boxes with th2-act type in current schema

http://localhost:8080/services - returns a list of services names. Service name contains act name:service name.

http://localhost:8080/services/{act name} - returns a list of services names in the specified act. Service name contains act name:service name.

http://localhost:8080/service/{name} - returns a service description with the specified service name

http://localhost:8080/json_schema/{name} - returns a json schema from .proto file that contains the specified service name

  • method - text, specific method name. if not specified, all schemas for this service will be returned.


http://localhost:8080/message - send message to codec.

  • session - text, session alias Required. Example: test02fix10
  • dictionary - text, name of dictionary for parsing the message Required. Example: fix50-test
  • messageType - text, type of the sending message Required. Example: NewOrderSingle


  "eventId": "5814945e-5963-11eb-8810-4bd966db93a9",
  "session": "...",
  "dictionary": "...",
  "messageType": "..."
eventId - status event id.
session, dictionary, messageType - same as request.

Message send request:

     "OrderQty": "10",
     "OrdType": "2",
     "ClOrdID": "2990136",
     "SecurityIDSource": "8",
     "OrderCapacity": "A",
     "TransactTime": "2020-11-17T12:30:29.901",
     "AccountType": "1",
     "trailer": {
       "CheckSum": "199"
     "Side": "1",
     "Price": "10",
     "TradingParty": {
       "NoPartyIDs": [
           "PartyRole": "76",
           "PartyID": "test01FIX04",
           "PartyIDSource": "D"
           "PartyRole": "3",
           "PartyID": "0",
           "PartyIDSource": "P"
           "PartyRole": "122",
           "PartyID": "0",
           "PartyIDSource": "P"
           "PartyRole": "12",
           "PartyID": "3",
           "PartyIDSource": "P"
     "SecurityID": "5221001",
     "header": {
       "BeginString": "FIXT.1.1",
       "SenderCompID": "test01FIX04",
       "SendingTime": "2020-11-17T09:30:30.785",
       "TargetCompID": "FGW",
       "MsgType": "D",
       "MsgSeqNum": "6",
       "BodyLength": "243"
     "DisplayQty": "10"

http://localhost:8080/method - call gRPC method with specified message.

  • fullServiceName - text, name of service whose method we call Required. Example: act:Act
  • methodName - text, name of calling method Required. Example: sendMessage


    "eventId": "5814945e-5963-11eb-8810-4bd966db93a9",
    "methodName": "...",
    "fullServiceName": "...",
    "responseMessage": {
      "status": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "message": ""
      "checkpointId": {
        "id": "b4bdf6a0-d8e9-11eb-9381-47bd42bf66ee",
        "sessionAliasToDirectionCheckpoint": {
eventId - status event id.  
methodName, fullServiceName - same as request.

Method call data:

    "message": {
      "metadata": {
        "id": {
          "connectionId": {
            "sessionAlias": "test01fix04"
          "direction": "FIRST",
          "sequence": "0"
        "timestamp": "2021-02-17T10:57:09.163392Z",
        "messageType": "ExecutionReport",
        "properties": {
      "fields": {
        "ExecID": {
          "simpleValue": "E03uSpnM7DXb"
        "OrderQty": {
          "simpleValue": "10"
        "LastQty": {
          "simpleValue": "10"
        "OrderID": {
          "simpleValue": "003uSudOgtzd"
        "TransactTime": {
          "simpleValue": "2020-11-19T14:09:52.924218"
        "GroupID": {
          "simpleValue": "0"
        "trailer": {
          "messageValue": {
            "fields": {
              "CheckSum": {
                "simpleValue": "102"
        "Side": {
          "simpleValue": "2"
        "OrdStatus": {
          "simpleValue": "2"
        "TimeInForce": {
          "simpleValue": "0"
        "SecurityID": {
          "simpleValue": "5221002"
        "ExecType": {
          "simpleValue": "F"
        "TradeLiquidityIndicator": {
          "simpleValue": "R"
        "LastLiquidityInd": {
          "simpleValue": "2"
        "LeavesQty": {
          "simpleValue": "0"
        "CumQty": {
          "simpleValue": "10"
        "LastPx": {
          "simpleValue": "100"
        "TypeOfTrade": {
          "simpleValue": "2"
        "TrdMatchID": {
          "simpleValue": "IHQDL1RPDZ"
        "OrdType": {
          "simpleValue": "2"
        "ClOrdID": {
          "simpleValue": "9279422"
        "SecurityIDSource": {
          "simpleValue": "8"
        "LastMkt": {
          "simpleValue": "XLOM"
        "OrderCapacity": {
          "simpleValue": "A"
        "AccountType": {
          "simpleValue": "1"
        "Price": {
          "simpleValue": "100"
        "MDEntryID": {
          "simpleValue": "003uSudOgtzd"
        "TradingParty": {
          "messageValue": {
            "fields": {
              "NoPartyIDs": {
                "listValue": {
                  "values": [
                      "messageValue": {
                        "fields": {
                          "PartyRole": {
                            "simpleValue": "76"
                          "PartyID": {
                            "simpleValue": "test02FIX10"
                          "PartyIDSource": {
                            "simpleValue": "D"
                      "messageValue": {
                        "fields": {
                          "PartyRole": {
                            "simpleValue": "17"
                          "PartyID": {
                            "simpleValue": "test01"
                          "PartyIDSource": {
                            "simpleValue": "D"
                      "messageValue": {
                        "fields": {
                          "PartyRole": {
                            "simpleValue": "3"
                          "PartyID": {
                            "simpleValue": "0"
                          "PartyIDSource": {
                            "simpleValue": "P"
                      "messageValue": {
                        "fields": {
                          "PartyRole": {
                            "simpleValue": "122"
                          "PartyID": {
                            "simpleValue": "0"
                          "PartyIDSource": {
                            "simpleValue": "P"
                      "messageValue": {
                        "fields": {
                          "PartyRole": {
                            "simpleValue": "12"
                          "PartyID": {
                            "simpleValue": "3"
                          "PartyIDSource": {
                            "simpleValue": "P"
        "header": {
          "messageValue": {
            "fields": {
              "BeginString": {
                "simpleValue": "FIXT.1.1"
              "SenderCompID": {
                "simpleValue": "FGW"
              "SendingTime": {
                "simpleValue": "2020-11-19T14:09:52.927347"
              "TargetCompID": {
                "simpleValue": "test02DC10"
              "ApplVerID": {
                "simpleValue": "9"
              "MsgType": {
                "simpleValue": "8"
              "MsgSeqNum": {
                "simpleValue": "5671"
              "OnBehalfOfCompID": {
                "simpleValue": "test02FIX10"
              "BodyLength": {
                "simpleValue": "440"
        "DisplayQty": {
          "simpleValue": "0"


schema component description example (act-ui-backend.yml):

kind: Th2CoreBox
  name: act-ui-backend
  image-version: 0.3.0 # change this line if you want to use a newer version
  type: th2-rpt-data-provider
    hostname: "localhost"
    port: 8080
    responseTimeout: 6000 # maximum request processing time in milliseconds

    clientCacheTimeout: 60 # cached event lifetime in milliseconds
    ioDispatcherThreadPoolSize: 10 # thread pool size for blocking database calls
    schemaDefinitionLink: "http://infra-mgr.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/schema/<namespace>" # link to schema definition
    schemaDescriptorsLink: "http://infra-mgr.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/descriptor/<namespace>" # link to the api to get the proto service descriptors from
    tempFileRootDirectory: "/tmp" # directory for compiling proto files
    namespace: "th2-namespace" # namespace for sending grpc messages
    actTypes: ["th2-act"] # th2-box types that act-ui-backend will list as available grpc services
    schemaCacheExpiry: 86400 # schemaXML cache clearing frequency

    protoCacheExpiry: 3600 # compiled proto schema cache clearing frequency
    protoCacheSize: 100 # compiled proto schema cache size
    getSchemaRetryCount: 10 # number of retries when requesting an xml schema
    getSchemaRetryDelay: 1 # delay between attempts to load xml schema
    descriptorsCacheExpiry: 10 # service descriptors cache clearing frequency
    sessions: [] # list of sessions to send parsed messages to - each of the sessions should have a matching pin defined for it
  pins: # pins are used to communicate with codec components to parse message data
    - name: to_codec
      connection-type: mq
        # enter the target session name here
        - demo-conn1 # example of a session name, should be the same as what target conn components are configured to use
        - parsed
        - publish
      enabled: false

      JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: '-XX:+UseContainerSupport -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=90'

        memory: 700Mi
        cpu: 310m
        memory: 300Mi
        cpu: 50m

Schema links

schemaDefinitionLink ponts to an api to extract th2 box descriptions and message dictionaries from. schemaDescriptorsLink points to an api that allows to extract grpc service descriptors. This is required to call th2-act grpc methods.

Links should follow this pattern:

  1. schemaDefinitionLink -> http://infra-mgr.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/schema/<namespace>
  2. schemaDescriptorsLink -> http://infra-mgr.service.svc.cluster.local:8080/descriptor/<namespace>

<namespace> is the namespace where act-ui-backend and other th2 boxes it talks to are deployed. These links should use internal k8s domain names.

Adding new session

To add your own session you have to add a new act-ui-backend pin and link it to the corresponding codec. The codec should also be linked to the conn component to successfully send a message.

Pin configuration expmple:

    - name: to_codec
      connection-type: mq
        # enter the target session name here
        - demo-conn1
        - parsed
        - publish

Search for dictionaries by session

First of all, it's looking for components that have a session according to the following pattern.

  "kind": "Th2Box",
  "name": "boxName",
  "spec": {
    "pins": [
        "name": "pinName",
        "filters": [
            "metadata": [
                "field-name": "session_alias",
                "expected-value": "value"

The next step is to get all connected to previously found components and search for connected dictionaries. If the resulting list is empty, all dictionaries are returned.

Act mode additional configuration

To call act components from act-ui, gRPC descriptors need to be generated and attached as docker object lables. To generate the descriptors, add the following plugin to a build script and configure a CI job to attach them as docker labels. This is an example of a properly configured act component.

Make sure that target act component's box type spec: type: th2-act matches one of the types specified in act-ui-backend config spec: custom-config: actTypes: ["th2-act"]

Release notes


  • dependency-check plugin upgraded to 8.1.2
  • common upgraded to 3.44.1


  • Updated dependencies
  • Added vulnerabilities check



  • Getting dictionaries by session.



  • Session aliases are no longer fetched from schema and must be configured in sessions.