I'm a Backend Engineer specializing in Python and Rust, passionate about building efficient and scalable applications.
- 🌍 I'm based in Pokhara, Nepal
- 🏢 Currently working at wesionaryTEAM
- 🌐 Personal website: adhikariarjun.com.np
- 📝 I write articles on pythonislove.com
- 💼 Connect with me on LinkedIn
- 🐦 Follow me on X/Twitter
I'm always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your visions. Reach out to me through LinkedIn or X/Twitter.
flowchart LR
%% Define subgraphs for clarity
subgraph Explore_Arjun's_World
direction TB
A[🔍 **Explore Arjun's GitHub** 🚀] --> B[📂 **Browse Repositories**]
B --> C[✨ **Discover Projects**]
subgraph Engage_with_Arjun
direction TB
D[💼 **Connect on LinkedIn**] --> E[🐦 **Follow on X/Twitter**]
E --> F[📖 **Read Articles on pythonislove.com**]
subgraph Collaborate_and_Grow
direction TB
G[🤝 **Contribute to Projects**] --> H[📘 **Learn from Java Notes**]
H --> I[🐍 **Enhance Python Skills**]
%% Main flow
Start[🌟 **Begin Your Journey**] --> Explore_Arjun's_World
Explore_Arjun's_World --> Engage_with_Arjun
Engage_with_Arjun --> Collaborate_and_Grow
Collaborate_and_Grow --> Success[🏆 **Achieve New Heights!**]
%% Clickable links
click A "https://github.com/thearjun" "Arjun's GitHub Profile"
click D "https://www.linkedin.com/in/thearjun" "Arjun's LinkedIn"
click E "https://twitter.com/iArjunAdhikari" "Arjun's X/Twitter"
click F "https://pythonislove.com" "Python Is Love Articles"
click H "https://github.com/thearjun/java-notes" "Java Notes Repository"
%% Styling
style Explore_Arjun's_World fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Engage_with_Arjun fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Collaborate_and_Grow fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Success fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px