Basic discord for the game Foxhole, built in python, that keeps track of facilities on a per guild basis. Includes basic logging and allows you to search for specific services scoped to specific regions.
Install python 3.10+
Setup venv
Run python -m venv .venv
in the location where the bot is
Activate the venv with:
PowerShell: .venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
Command Prompt: .venv/Scripts/Activate.bat
Bash: source .venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
Run pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Configureation
Create a .env
file with the following contents:
BOT_TOKEN='' # bot token
BOT_PREFIX='' # prefix for commands, defaults to '.'
Make sure all intents are enabled in the dev portal
& Sync Commands
Majority of the commands are app commands which needs to be synced with discord running the command {BOT_PREFIX}jsk sync
will sync these commands