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Generate openapi, HTML docs or TypeScript client interface from routing tests


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Scala to create different type of documentation (like openapi or ts interfaces) based on routers. Currently it supports akka http and tests written in scalatest or specs2.

A library maintained by Iterators.

Table of contents


First we need to add plugin to plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("pl.iterators" % "baklava-sbt-plugin" % "0.2.0")

Then we need to make some changes in build.sbt

val baklavaV = "0.2.0"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-akka-http"                  % baklavaV    % "test"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-circe"                      % baklavaV    % "test"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-formatter-openapi"           % baklavaV    % "test"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-generator"                  % baklavaV    % "test"
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-akka-http-routes"           % baklavaV
libraryDependencies += "pl.iterators"             %% "baklava-specs2"                     % baklavaV    % "test"

  BaklavaSbtPlugin.settings(Test) ++ Seq(
    baklavaTestClassPackage := "pl.iterators.sample", // variable that tells us beginning package of classes that inherits from RouteSpec
    baklavaFormatters := Seq(BaklavaSbtPlugin.model.Formatters.SimpleDocsFormatter, BaklavaSbtPlugin.model.Formatters.OpenApiFormatter)


We will demonstrate usage based on an example with circe. Consider you have spec named: RouteSpec. In order to use, you need to include proper library in dependency and mix in proper trait to your spec (or create a new one trait, which is preferable if you do not want to extends all tests one time).

trait RouteDocSpec extends AkkaHttpRouteBaklavaSpec with Specs2RouteBaklavaSpec with ProjectDefinedPredefs with RouteSpec {
  override def shutdownSpec() = TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system, verifySystemShutdown = true)

class HealthCheckRouterSpec extends RouteDocSpec {

  override val routeRepresentation = RouteRepresentation[Unit, Unit]("Health check", "GET", "/health-check")
  // base scope has custom UserAuthenticator function which differentiates logged-user based on whether his AuthContext is Some(_) or None
  trait loggedTestCase extends BaseScope {
    override lazy val authContextForTest: Option[AuthContext] = Some(allGenerators[AuthContext].normal.generate)

  val routePath = routeRepresentation.path should {
    "return OK for logged user" in new loggedTestCase {
      TestRequest(routePath, emptyString) ~> allRoutes ~> check {
        response.status shouldEqual OK



trait ProjectDefinedPredefs extends KebsArbitraryPredefs with KebsJsonSchemaPredefs {
  implicit def mapPredef[B1, T1, B2, T2](implicit
                                         schema: _root_.json.schema.Predef[Map[B1, B2]]
                                        ): _root_.json.schema.Predef[Map[B1 @@ T1, B2 @@ T2]] =
    schema.asInstanceOf[_root_.json.schema.Predef[Map[B1 @@ T1, B2 @@ T2]]]

is based on kebs library ( and where RouteSpec has to be extended with CirceJsonStringProvider if we wish to use circe in our tests definitions.

#todo document RouteRepresentation interface

#todo split document into generation and serve parts

#todo describe BaklavaRoutes


In sbt shell: baklavaGenerate to generate an output in a form of html files describing each of the endpoints fow which we specified documentation in tests. Files will be located in target.baklava.