Quaxe for Swift
Uses swift-makefiles from https://github.com/therealglazou/swift-makefiles as build system
Attr.swift: * status: done
CharacterData.swift: * status: done
ChildNode.swift: * status: done
Comment.swift: * status: done
CustomEvent.swift: * status: done
DOMImplementation.swift: * status: done
DOMRange.swift: * status: done
DOMTokenList.swift: * status: done
Document.swift: * status: done
DocumentFragment.swift: * status: done
DocumentType.swift: * status: done
Element.swift: * status: TODO 80%
Elements.swift: * status: TODO 100%
Event.swift: * status: done
EventTarget.swift: * status: done
Exception.swift: * status: TODO
HTMLCollection.swift: * status: done
MutationAlgorithms.swift: * status: done
MutationUtils.swift: * status: TODO 100%
NamedNodeMap.swift: * status: TODO 100%
Namespaces.swift: * status: done
Node.swift: * status: done
NodeIterator.swift: * status: TODO 100%
NodeList.swift: * status: done
NonDocumentTypeChildNode.swift: * status: done
NonElementParentNode.swift: * status: done
OrderedSets.swift: * status: done, optimize with Foundation?
ParentNode.swift: * status: TODO 50%, querySelector and friends
ProcessingInstruction.swift: * status: done
Text.swift: * status: TODO 100%
TreeWalker.swift: * status: TODO 100%
Trees.swift: * status: done
###Download and Build instructions
tested on OS X 10.12.3 and Xcode 8.2.1 (8C1002), Swift 3.0.2 (swiftlang-800.0.63 clang-800.0.42.1)
git clone https://github.com/therealglazou/quaxe-for-swift.git
cd quaxe-for-swift
git clone https://github.com/therealglazou/swift-makefiles.git
warning this is a work in progress and not ready yet; expect build horkage at any time...
and utils/Combinators.swift
are (c) 2014 Maxwell Swadling and used user the BSD License (Cf. https://github.com/typelift/Swiftx)
is (c) 2005-2012 Haxe Foundation and used under the Haxe libraries license
MPL 2.0