Diagnostics software for Samsung SSD EVO 840 problems
- detects the firmware version from the running code.
- looks whether the controller is able to see a SATA connection, and whether the firmware was able to establish the connection.
- checks the 8 Flash channels
- analyzes Stack-Traces
- analyzes the Inter-Process-Communication between the ARM cores, and explains their meaning
- takes approximately 1 minute to execute
System requirements:
- OpenOCD.org and a supported JTAG adapter (must be 1.8v tolerant, FT2232H-based adapters are common and work well)
- Perl.org
Supported SSDs:
Supported controllers:
- SAMSUNG S4LN045X01-8030 (MEX)
Supported Firmware:
Supported JTAG adapters (1.8v tolerant):
- Altera USB Blaster (cheaper, slower)
- http://www.kosagi.com/w/index.php?title=Novena_Main_Page (more expensive, faster)
- TIAO TUMPA Multi-Protocol USB Adapter (1.8v-5v, SWD, up to 30 MHz) (http://www.diygadget.com/tiao-usb-multi-protocol-adapter-jtag-spi-i2c-serial.html)
Usage: Adapt mex1.conf to your JTAG adapter Run ssddiag.pl
If you want additional diagnostics, run it with --debug parameter, but this can increase the runtime from 1 minute to 60 minutes.
If you need more information, please read the Repair Manual: http://www2.futureware.at/~philipp/ssd/TheMissingManual.pdf
Sample diagnostics can be found here: http://www2.futureware.at/~philipp/ssd/diag/