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Merge pull request #229 from thetisproject/on-the-sphere-2d
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Shallow water on the sphere
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tkarna authored Jan 19, 2021
2 parents 5e2bee4 + 665a966 commit c080d83
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Showing 4 changed files with 347 additions and 22 deletions.
321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions test/sphere/
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@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
Shallow water test cases on the sphere by Willamson et al. (1992) and
Läuter et al (2005).
[1] Williamson et al., 1992. A standard test set for numerical approximations
to the shallow water equations in spherical geometry. Journal of
Computational Physics, (1):211–224.
[2] Läuter et al., 2005. Unsteady analytical solutions of the spherical shallow
water equations. Journal of Computational Physics, (2):535–553.
from thetis import *
from scipy import stats
import numpy
import pytest

r_earth = 6371220. # radius of Earth
omega = 7.292e-5 # Earth's angular velocity

def coords_xyz_to_lonlat(mesh):
Convert Earth-centered Cartesian coordinates to (longitude, latitude)
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
z_norm = z / sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
z_norm = Min(Max(z_norm, -1.0), 1.0) # avoid silly roundoff errors
lat = asin(z_norm)
lon = atan_2(y, x)
return lon, lat

def vector_enu_to_xyz(mesh, uvw_enu_expr):
Convert vector from local tanget plane to Earth-centered Cartesian system.
:arg x, y, z: spatial coordinates of the mesh
:arg uvw_enu_expr: vectorin local East-North-Up (ENU) tangent plane
coordinate system (on a spherical Earth).
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
epsilon = Constant(1e-3)
r_h = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + epsilon)
# local tangent plane coordinate system unit vectors
ne = as_vector((-y, x, 0)) * 1 / r_h # east
nn = as_vector((-x * z, -y * z, x**2 + y**2)) * 1 / r_h / r_earth # north
nu = as_vector((x, y, z)) / r_earth # up
# map vectors from local ENU coordinates to ECEF
M = as_tensor((ne, nn, nu)).T
uvw_expr = M * uvw_enu_expr
return uvw_expr

def williamson2_init_fields(mesh, u_max, depth):
Initial elevation and velocity for Williamson 2 test case.
g = physical_constants['g_grav']
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
uv_expr = as_vector([-u_max * y / r_earth, u_max * x / r_earth, 0.0])
elev_expr = depth - \
((r_earth * omega * u_max + u_max**2 / 2.0) * z**2 / r_earth**2) / g
return elev_expr, uv_expr

def setup_williamson2(mesh, time):
Williamson (1992) shallow water test case 2:
Global steady state nonlinear zonal geostrophic flow
depth = 5960.
u_max = 2 * pi * r_earth / (12 * 24 * 3600.)
elev_expr, uv_expr = williamson2_init_fields(mesh, u_max, depth)
bath_expr = Constant(depth)

analytical_solution = True
return elev_expr, uv_expr, bath_expr, analytical_solution

def setup_williamson5(mesh, time):
Williamson (1992) shallow water test case 5:
Zonal flow over an isolated mountain
depth = 5960.
u_max = 20.
elev_expr, uv_expr_w2 = williamson2_init_fields(mesh, u_max, depth)

lon, lat = coords_xyz_to_lonlat(mesh)
R0 = pi / 9.
lon_c = -pi / 2.
lat_c = pi / 6.
r = sqrt(Min(R0**2, (lon - lon_c)**2 + (lat - lat_c)**2))
bath_expr = depth - 2000 * (1 - r / R0)

# NOTE scale uv to fit the modified bathymetry to reduce initial shock
# this is not in the original test case
h_w2 = depth + elev_expr
h_w5 = bath_expr + elev_expr
uv_expr = uv_expr_w2 * h_w2 / h_w5

analytical_solution = False
return elev_expr, uv_expr, bath_expr, analytical_solution

def setup_lauter3(mesh, time):
Läuter (2005) shallow water test case, example 3:
Unsteady solid body rotation
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
g = physical_constants['g_grav']
# define initial state
alpha = pi / 4.
k1 = 133681.
u_0 = 2 * pi * r_earth / (12 * 24 * 3600.)
epsilon = Constant(1e-3)
r_h = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + epsilon)
# velocity in East, North, Up tangent plane system
xt = cos(omega * time)
yt = sin(omega * time)
u_enu_expr = u_0 / r_earth / r_h * (
sin(alpha) * z * (x * xt - y * yt) + cos(alpha) * r_h**2
v_enu_expr = -u_0 * sin(alpha) / r_h * (y * xt + x * yt)
uv_enu_expr = as_vector([u_enu_expr, v_enu_expr, 0.0])
uv_expr = vector_enu_to_xyz(mesh, uv_enu_expr)

orog_expr = (omega * z)**2 / g / 2
b = (sin(alpha) * (-x * xt + y * yt) + cos(alpha) * z) / r_earth
c = 12e3 # set constant elevation to bathymetry
elev_expr = (-0.5 * (u_0 * b + omega * z)**2 + k1) / g + orog_expr - c
bath_expr = - orog_expr + c

analytical_solution = True
return elev_expr, uv_expr, bath_expr, analytical_solution

def run(refinement, cell='triangle', setup=setup_williamson2, **model_options):
print_output('--- running refinement {:}'.format(refinement))

if cell == 'triangle':
mesh2d = IcosahedralSphereMesh(
radius=r_earth, refinement_level=refinement, degree=3)
elif cell == 'quad':
# NOTE cube sphere has lower resolution
mesh2d = CubedSphereMesh(
radius=r_earth, refinement_level=refinement + 1, degree=3)
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported cell type: {cell:}')


outputdir = 'outputs'
t_end = 24 * 3600
t_export = 4 * 3600.
# NOTE dt must be relatively low as solution exhibits dt depended phase lag
dt = 1200.

time = Constant(0)
elev_expr, uv_expr, bath_expr, ana_sol_exists = setup(mesh2d, time)

# bathymetry
P1_2d = FunctionSpace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1)
bathymetry_2d = Function(P1_2d, name='Bathymetry')

# Coriolis forcing
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh2d)
f_expr = 2 * omega * z / r_earth
coriolis_2d = Function(P1_2d)

solver_obj = solver2d.FlowSolver2d(mesh2d, bathymetry_2d)
options = solver_obj.options
options.element_family = 'bdm-dg'
options.polynomial_degree = 1
options.coriolis_frequency = coriolis_2d
options.simulation_export_time = t_export
options.simulation_end_time = t_end
options.timestepper_type = 'CrankNicolson'
options.timestep = dt
options.output_directory = outputdir
options.horizontal_velocity_scale = Constant(0.1)
options.check_volume_conservation_2d = True
options.fields_to_export = ['uv_2d', 'elev_2d']
options.fields_to_export_hdf5 = ['uv_2d', 'elev_2d']
options.no_exports = True

if not options.no_exports:
# Store analytical elevation to disk
out = File(outputdir + '/Elevation2d_ana/Elevation2d_ana.pvd')
ana_elev = Function(solver_obj.function_spaces.H_2d, name='Elevation')

def export():
if not options.no_exports:

solver_obj.assign_initial_conditions(elev=elev_expr, uv=uv_expr)

if ana_sol_exists:
area = 4 * pi * r_earth**2
elev_err = errornorm(elev_expr, solver_obj.fields.elev_2d) / sqrt(area)
uv_err = errornorm(uv_expr, solver_obj.fields.uv_2d) / sqrt(area)
print_output(f'L2 error elev {elev_err:.12f}')
print_output(f'L2 error uv {uv_err:.12f}')
return elev_err, uv_err
return None, None

def run_convergence(ref_list, saveplot=False, **options):
Runs test for a list of refinements and computes error convergence rate
l2_err = []
for r in ref_list:
l2_err.append(run(r, **options))
l2_err = numpy.log10(numpy.array(l2_err))
elev_err = l2_err[:, 0]
uv_err = l2_err[:, 1]
delta_x = numpy.log10(0.5**numpy.array(ref_list))
setup_name = options['setup'].__name__

def check_convergence(x_log, y_log, expected_slope, field_str, saveplot):
slope_rtol = 0.20
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
stats.linregress(x_log, y_log)
if saveplot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
# plot points
ax.plot(x_log, y_log, 'k.')
x_min = x_log.min()
x_max = x_log.max()
offset = 0.05 * (x_max - x_min)
npoints = 50
xx = numpy.linspace(x_min - offset, x_max + offset, npoints)
yy = intercept + slope * xx
# plot line
ax.plot(xx, yy, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5, color='k')
ax.text(xx[2 * int(npoints / 3)], yy[2 * int(npoints / 3)],
ax.set_ylabel('log10(L2 error)')
ax.set_title(' '.join([setup_name, field_str]))
ref_str = 'ref-' + '-'.join([str(r) for r in ref_list])
imgfile = '_'.join(['convergence', setup_name, field_str, ref_str])
imgfile += '.png'
imgdir = create_directory('plots')
imgfile = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
print_output('saving figure {:}'.format(imgfile))
plt.savefig(imgfile, dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
if expected_slope is not None:
err_msg = f'{setup_name:}: Wrong convergence rate ' \
f'{slope:.4f}, expected {expected_slope:.4f}'
assert slope > expected_slope * (1 - slope_rtol), err_msg
f'{setup_name:}: {field_str:} convergence rate '
f'{slope:.4f} PASSED'
f'{setup_name:}: {field_str:} convergence rate {slope:.4f}'
return slope

check_convergence(delta_x, elev_err, 2, 'elevation', saveplot)
check_convergence(delta_x, uv_err, 2, 'velocity', saveplot)

@pytest.fixture(params=[setup_williamson2, setup_lauter3],
ids=['williamson2', 'lauter3'])
def setup(request):
return request.param

('element_family', 'cell'),
('rt-dg', 'triangle'),
('rt-dg', 'quad'),
('bdm-dg', 'triangle'),
'bdm-dg', 'quad',
marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Firedrake does not currently support BDMCE element')),
def test_convergence(element_family, cell, setup):
run_convergence([1, 2, 3], cell=cell, setup=setup,

def test_convergence_explicit():
run_convergence([1, 2, 3], cell='triangle', setup=setup_williamson2,

def test_williamson5():
Test that williamson5 case runs.
run(2, setup=setup_williamson5, cell='triangle', element_family='bdm-dg',
timestep=3600., simulation_end_time=10 * 3600.,

if __name__ == '__main__':
run(4, setup=setup_williamson5, cell='triangle', element_family='bdm-dg',
timestep=3 * 3600., simulation_end_time=24 * 24 * 3600.,
simulation_export_time=3 * 3600.,
32 changes: 14 additions & 18 deletions thetis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,9 @@ def __init__(self, space,
# mesh dependent variables
self.cellsize = CellSize(self.mesh)

assert self.mesh.cell_dimension() == 2
self.on_the_sphere = self.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3

# define measures with a reasonable quadrature degree
p = self.function_space.ufl_element().degree()
self.quad_degree = 2*p + 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,24 +449,12 @@ def residual(self, uv, eta, uv_old, eta_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions=
horiz_advection_by_parts = True

if horiz_advection_by_parts:
# f = -inner(nabla_div(outer(uv, self.u_test)), uv)
f = -(Dx(uv_old[0]*self.u_test[0], 0)*uv[0]
+ Dx(uv_old[0]*self.u_test[1], 0)*uv[1]
+ Dx(uv_old[1]*self.u_test[0], 1)*uv[0]
+ Dx(uv_old[1]*self.u_test[1], 1)*uv[1])*self.dx
f = -inner(div(outer(self.u_test, uv)), uv)*self.dx
if self.u_continuity in ['dg', 'hdiv']:
un_av = dot(avg(uv_old), self.normal('-'))
# NOTE solver can stagnate
# s = 0.5*(sign(un_av) + 1.0)
# NOTE smooth sign change between [-0.02, 0.02], slow
# s = 0.5*tanh(100.0*un_av) + 0.5
# uv_up = uv('-')*s + uv('+')*(1-s)
# NOTE mean flux
uv_up = avg(uv)
f += (uv_up[0]*jump(self.u_test[0], uv_old[0]*self.normal[0])
+ uv_up[1]*jump(self.u_test[1], uv_old[0]*self.normal[0])
+ uv_up[0]*jump(self.u_test[0], uv_old[1]*self.normal[1])
+ uv_up[1]*jump(self.u_test[1], uv_old[1]*self.normal[1]))*self.dS
uv_avg = avg(uv)
f += inner(uv_avg, jump(outer(self.u_test, uv), self.normal))*self.dS
# Lax-Friedrichs stabilization
if self.options.use_lax_friedrichs_velocity:
uv_lax_friedrichs = fields_old.get('lax_friedrichs_velocity_scaling_factor')
Expand All @@ -489,8 +480,7 @@ def residual(self, uv, eta, uv_old, eta_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions=
total_h = self.depth.get_total_depth(eta_old)
un_rie = 0.5*inner(uv_old + uv_ext_old, self.normal) + sqrt(g_grav/total_h)*eta_jump
uv_av = 0.5*(uv_ext + uv)
f += (uv_av[0]*self.u_test[0]*un_rie
+ uv_av[1]*self.u_test[1]*un_rie)*ds_bnd
f += un_rie*inner(uv_av, self.u_test)*ds_bnd
return -f

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,7 +591,13 @@ def residual(self, uv, eta, uv_old, eta_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions=
coriolis = fields_old.get('coriolis')
f = 0
if coriolis is not None:
f += coriolis*(-uv[1]*self.u_test[0] + uv[0]*self.u_test[1])*self.dx
if self.on_the_sphere:
outward_normals = CellNormal(self.mesh)
u = cross(outward_normals, uv)
f = coriolis*inner(self.u_test, u)*self.dx
ez_x_uv = -uv[1]*self.u_test[0] + uv[0]*self.u_test[1]
f += coriolis*ez_x_uv*self.dx
return -f

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions thetis/
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Expand Up @@ -317,6 +317,11 @@ def create_function_spaces(self):
self._isfrozen = False
on_the_sphere = self.mesh2d.geometric_dimension() == 3
if on_the_sphere:
assert self.options.element_family in ['rt-dg', 'bdm-dg'], \
'Spherical mesh requires \'rt-dg\' or \'bdm-dg\' ' \
'element family.'
# ----- function spaces: elev in H, uv in U, mixed is W
self.function_spaces.P0_2d = get_functionspace(self.mesh2d, 'DG', 0, name='P0_2d')
self.function_spaces.P1_2d = get_functionspace(self.mesh2d, 'CG', 1, name='P1_2d')
Expand Down

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