New Release 2.3.0 with a couple of exciting enhancements
Restructured the device model topology for an Anker hub representation #141
- So far, only defined power systems and connected end devices accessible by the configured hub account have been structured into device types by the integration
- This had the disadvantage, that common account related entities had no direct owning device type, but where duplicated under each system accessible by the account
- Also stand alone Solix devices had no direct home
- For users with multiple hub entries or multiple systems per account, the Anker cloud topology could not be properly reflected in HA
- Therefore a new device type (Model) for the hub account was implemented
- The account device manages all system devices (power sites) where your account has access to
- Solix devices which are assigned to a system continue to be owned by the system device
- Solix devices which are not assigned to a system (stand alone devices), are now owned by the new account device.
- This allows to recognize by which of the hub entries the stand alone device is managed
- Note: Keep in mind that stand alone Solix devices do not provide any utilization data to the cloud and have barely entities that can be monitored or managed via cloud Api
- So far, only defined power systems and connected end devices accessible by the configured hub account have been structured into device types by the integration
Improved device information
- Added proper device name in end device info if name is not available from standard Api responses
- Added system type description, derived from main device type category that is configured into a power system
- Added email, api server and alias name to the account model
- Account related entities have been moved to the account device
- Their entity name will now contain your account alias and country code
Added partial support for Power Panel systems as supported in US marked (not supported on EU cloud server)
Changed service description structure to match new schema #139
- New schema was introduced with HA core 2024.9.0, which became new minimum version for the integration
- Structured the various options of some actions into sections with descriptions where this makes sense
- This only affects the action representation in UI mode usage
- Introduced section icons
Added a new option to the get system info action to allow merge of additional system data from Api cache with the new response of the scen_info request
Picked up enhancements from Api library v2.3.0
- Added Api request metrics to Api refresh switch entity attributes
- Added OTA component info to attributes of OTA update binary sensor
- Added new Solarbank 2 entity for heating power
- This is still experimental, since it is a new field introduced along the support of new Solarbank 2 AC
- It is not clear if and how the heating power will be reported to the cloud, and if all Solarbank 2 types will support this upon certain firmware levels
- If you start seeing heating power in the Anker mobile app, there are good chances that the heating power will be reflected in HA as well
- Added Solarbank charging status description for new code 116, which seems to be used instead of code 4 (wakeup)
- Added Api request metrics to Api refresh switch entity attributes
Bumped Api export tool to
Breaking changes:
- Moved following entities due to device topology change
- binary_sensor for unread messages of the account moved from system to new account device to avoid duplication
- switch for Api refresh moved from system to new account device to avoid duplication
- Changed target entity for Export Systems action (service) due to device topology change
- Since everything for your account will be exported by this service, it does not make sense to select a dedicated system entity for the export
- The target for the action now requires the single Api refresh switch entity of the new account device type
- Renamed some daily energy sensors to support a broader spectrum of Anker Solix devices and avoid confusion in the naming
- "Daily AC to home" => "Daily battery home"
- This should typically be the AC energy delivered to the house from the battery
- "Daily grid import" => "Daily grid home"
- Former "Daily grid import" naming must be used for the combination of grid charging energy and grid home usage energy.
- Note: For Solarbank systems, it is not clear yet whether the new AC model will distinguish between grid home and grid charging energy, and what the meaning of the existing grid import energy value will become. For now it is assumed this is the grid home energy
- "Daily AC to home" => "Daily battery home"
- Attention:
- Renamed entities means that you will see orphaned entities after the update.
- Also their history may be lost, since their unique ID may had to be changed as well
- Recommendation: You can reconfigure your Hub entries to clear orphaned entities automatically instead of removing them manually
- When reconfirming your account access, all devices and entities will be unregistered and recreated with the new names
- Orphaned entities will be removed automatically
- Note: Any entities that have been manually deactivated will become active again. In other words they will be recreated based on actual exclusion categories and default activation setting.
- You need to modify the moved entity names in your dashboard, automations, scripts and helpers if you used any of them
- Renamed entities means that you will see orphaned entities after the update.
- New device pictures have been added.
- Optionally update the device pictures for your entities if you want to make use of them.
- You can copy the new images folder after integration update and prior HA restart by using a File Explorer add on
- See the description in the update procedure.
- Make sure to reload your HA dashboard without cache after HA restart to ensure the new images will be utilized in the UI frontend
- Increased minimum HA version to 2024.9.0 to support changed service schema descriptions and sections
Fixes and other changes:
- Block actions when Api usage is deactivated by the switch entity #163
- Previously, when an action was run while the Api usage was deactivated for temporary account usage on another device, the action could have kicked out the account on the other device
- Bump api library to 2.3.0
- Bump ruff from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 #156
- Bump ruff from 0.7.2 to 0.7.4 #167
- Bump colorlog from 6.7.0 to 6.9.0 #155
- Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.8 to 2.0.9 #157
- Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.9 to 2.1.0 #166
- The daily battery discharge statistic value for Solarbank 1 is no longer correct since mid June 2024. The cloud statistics changed this value when introducing support for Solarbank 2. The daily battery discharge value for Solarbank 1 now includes also bypassed PV energy, so it is not longer dedicated to battery discharge only. You can see this wrong value also in your Anker App statistics for the battery.
- The device sensor for battery energy is just a theoretical value and calculated by the Api library from nominal battery capacity and SOC. Changes of this entity should NOT be considered for energy dashboard helper sensors, since this sensor can never reflect the battery efficiency or loss of capacity over time.
- For such and other reasons, I do NOT recommend to use the Anker Solix integration daily energy statistic sensors directly in your energy dashboard, even if that is possible since they are classified as total_increasing sensors. The reasons for that are described in the discussion how to integrate the solarbank into you energy dashboard. There you can also find the recommended approach for creating the required entities for easiest and most flexible energy dashboard integration.
- YOUR HELP is required if you have new Anker Solix systems or if new features are introduced by Anker and you want them being integrated into HA
- I have no chance to test any Anker devices or explore the cloud Api requests and responses for new devices or features. Since the Api is not official, no documentation exists and the Api library can only be enhanced with your support and willingness to explore and test the Api queries via the Api library.
If you like this integration and you want to show your appreciation for the countless hours spent to enhance and maintain it, I would be happy for a coffee.