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Is a moodle question type plugin that compares the similarity between student's answer and teacher's answer key using machine learning (natural language processing), and uses the similarity to auto grade the answer. The automatic grade can be manually overridden by the teacher


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Essay Similarity

Is a moodle question type plugin that compares the similarity between student's answer and teacher's answer key using machine learning (natural language processing), and uses the similarity to auto grade the answer. The automatic grade can be manually overridden by the teacher


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  • Auto grading
  • Support every language (see notes)
  • Answer key
  • Statistical text
  • Score threshold for determining if the answer is correct, partialy correct, or wrong
  • Show/hide the answer key, statistical text, and feedback to student/teacher/both


You can try out the demo for this plugin on this link


You can choose the following method that suits you to install the plugin

Using Terminal

Go to your moodle root directory and execute the following command

git clone question/type/essaysimilarity


Download the zip and extract it to the question/type inside your moodle root directory

After that go to site administration page and it should shows that new plugin is present


  • This plugin does not intent to replace teacher evaluation for grading student response. Instead, what this plugin intent is to help easen teacher's evaluation process. For example, if multiple responses has similarity 0.80, 0.88, 0.78, 0.30, and 0.25, maybe you should only manually re-evaluate the student's response with the score 0.30 and 0.25, and only quick skim the rest for final grading
  • In general, this plugin supports every language, but this plugin will be more accurate if it has the implementation of specific language for pre-processing. You can select none if your language is not detected in question language. Note that if you choose none the result will not be optimal. So, if you want to add your language to the option, you need to implement some things in this plugin. Most of them you can find on the internet

Add Your Language

Pre-processing is pretty important to improve the accuracy of the similarity checker. Pre-processing will clean the documents such as removing stopwords, stem the words and weight the value of each word so the documents we are comparing is in the same class. If you select none, it will only do the weighting for each word. If you want to add your language, you need to do the following:

  1. Add list of stopword of your language inside essaysimilarity/nlp/stopword/lang, and add a file named with ISO 639-1 of your language. For example, english is en, therefore the name is en.php. And inside the file, return an array of list of the stopword

return [
  // list of stopwords of your language
  1. Add folder of your language inside essaysimilarity/nlp/stemmer/ named with ISO 639-1. Inside that folder you must create a file named with ISO 639-1.php i.e en.php. Everything else is optional, i.e dictionary.php is for list of root words from your language. If the dictionary.php is present, the content of the file needs to return array of root words of your language, just like stop words part. The content of LANG_CODE.php file needs to be as follows:

global $CFG;

// change the LANG with ISO 639-1 of your language, i.e en => en_stemmer
class LANG_stemmer extends stemmer { 

  // you can change the variable to match your language i.e dictionary -> kamus in indonesia
  private $dictionary; 

  // (optional) if your stemming implementation needs dictionary, then import it this way
  public function __construct() {
    $this->dictionary = require('dictionary.php');

  public function stem($word) {
    // your implementation of stemming
  1. Implement whitespace_vectorizer of your language. Like any other parts of this plugin, you need to implement with specific name in order to make it works. You need to name the file with ISO 639-1 e.g en.php. After that, you need to make class named with LANG_whitespace_vectorizer and change the LANG with ISO 639-1 of your language. After that, you need to implements vectorizer like this

global $CFG;

// change the LANG with ISO 639-1 of your language, i.e en => en_whitespace_vectorizer
class LANG_whitespace_vectorizer implements vectorizer {

  public function vectorize(string $str): array {
    // your implementation of vecotizer 
  1. Last but not least, add string in essaysimilarity/lang with language_<LANG_CODE> where the LANG_CODE is the ISO 639-1 of your language, i.e $string['language_en'] = English. After that, purge the cache of language string on site administration page and you should see your language in Question Language option.

  2. (Optional) translate the entire language string of this plugin. People from the same country of yours may use this plugin and they use the translation. But may be they not. We never know :)

Finally, you can submit your code as contribution to this plugin so people can make use of your code :)


GPL v3

Thanks to (@gbateson) Gordon Bateson's plugin that helps me to build my own plugin


Is a moodle question type plugin that compares the similarity between student's answer and teacher's answer key using machine learning (natural language processing), and uses the similarity to auto grade the answer. The automatic grade can be manually overridden by the teacher





