LicensingViewController is a UIViewController
subclass with a simple API for displaying licensing information.
import LicensingViewController
let licensingViewController = LicensingViewController()
licensingViewController.title = "Acknowledgments"
let alamofireItem = LicensingItem(
title: "Alamofire",
license: "Alamofire Software Foundation (", years: "2014")
let caniveteItem = LicensingItem(
title: "Canivete",
license: "Tiago Henriques (", years: "2015")
let kingfisherItem = LicensingItem(
title: "Kingfisher",
license: "Wei Wang", years: "2015")
licensingViewController.items = [alamofireItem, caniveteItem, kingfisherItem]
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9 (Swift 3.2)
LicensingViewController is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "tiagomnh/LicensingViewController"
Then run carthage update
LicensingViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.