This repo save all my error which I catch when learning React-Native and its solution.
1. Error: Unable to resolve module react-native-screens
from `node_modules/react-navigation-/native ... "
Related error package: "@react-navigation/native".
# Solution.
npm i react-native-screens
2. Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig" was not found in the UIManager. '@react-navigation/native-stack';
Related error package: .
# Solution.
npm install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context
3. can not run npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescript or TypeError: cli.init is not a function ...
# Solution.
npx react-native@latest init Name_Your_Project --template react-native-template-typescript
# Solution 1.
add to file this code below:
# Solution 2.
step 1: npm uninstall -g react-native-cli, npm uninstall -g react-native
step 2: npm install -g react-native-cli, npm install -g react-native
- Edit android/app/build.gradle (NOT android/build.gradle) and add:
apply from: file("../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle")
# You should install both packages below also.
npm install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context
npm i @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/stack react-native-gesture-handler react-native-safe-area-context
* Note: in App component, you should write:
export default function App() {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{flex: 1}}>
<AppNavigator />
- Step 1. Create a file MyThemes.tsx like this:
import { DefaultTheme } from "@react-navigation/native";
export const customTheme = {
colors: {
customColor: "#ccc",
export type Theme = typeof customTheme;
- Step 2. Next, create a GlobalThemes.d.ts file with the following content.
import type { Theme } from "./src/theme";
declare module "@react-navigation/native" {
export function useTheme(): Theme;
- Step 3. Use in a component
const theme = useTheme();
- Set header for all page.
// HeaderBackButton from "react-native/navigation screenOptions={({ navigation }) => ({ headerBackTitle:"hello" headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderBackButton labelVisible={true} tintColor={'green'} onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} style={{ top: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? -insetTop/2 : 0, }} /> ), headerTitleStyle:{ top: -50, marginTop: -50, } })} >
- Set header for specific component.
headerStatusBarHeight is very important
write this outside Navigator component
options={{ headerShown:true, headerStyle:{ backgroundColor:"orange" }, headerStatusBarHeight: 0, headerTitleAlign:"center", // Method 1. headerBackTitleVisible:false, headerLeft: () => <CustomBackButton /> or you can change to method 2: // headerBackTitle:"Back", // headerBackTitleStyle:{ // top: 0 // } }}
const CustomBackButton = () => { const navigation = useNavigation(); return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} style={{left:20,justifyContent:"center", alignItems:"center", flexDirection:"row"}}> <MaterialIcons name='arrow-back-ios' size={24} /> <Text style={{fontSize:18, left: -5 }}>Back</Text> </TouchableOpacity> ); };
- Silder to the right.
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="SignIn" screenOptions={{ headerShown: true, headerMode: "float", //turn on this for Android // use to control duration. transitionSpec: { open: { animation: 'timing', config: { duration: 400} }, // Adjust duration as needed close: { animation: 'timing', config: { duration: 400 } }, // Adjust duration as needed }, // try some custom. // transitionSpec:{ // open: { animation: 'timing', config: { duration: 400} }, // close: { // animation: "spring", // config:{stiffness: 1000, damping:500, mass:3,overshootClamping: true, // restDisplacementThreshold:0.01, restSpeedThreshold:0.01}} // } }} >
or you can use cardStyleInterpolator to animate it. ```bash cardStyleInterpolator: ({ current, layouts }) => ({ cardStyle: { transform: [ { translateX: current.progress.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [layouts.screen.width, 0], }), }, ], }, }),
- Silder to the right.
- Set header for specific component.
headerStatusBarHeight is very important
This error is related with npm and yarn tool. ** npm
// file tsconfig.json
"extends": "@tsconfig/react-native/tsconfig.json",
** yarn
// with yarn use ./node_modules. with npm remove it.
"extends": "./node_modules/@tsconfig/react-native/tsconfig.json",