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Tigris Movie Database

An example of using Tigris Database + Search with a Movie dataset. Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.


The application loads 35,000 movies into a Tigris Database movies collection, automatically creating a Tigris Search index for the collection, enabling search functionality in the application.

The repo contains three branches:

  1. main - the branch with Database to Search in place with the application refactored and optimized to show best practices with Tigris and Next.js.
  2. db-only - the application with just the basic database functionality. The application is in a raw state and has not been refactored.
  3. next - working branch for updates to be merged into main.

Install dependencies

npm i

Or the equivalent with other package managers.


Run this only once:

npm run tigris:seed

Create a Tigris project

The following command uses the Tigris CLI to log you into Tigris Cloud (you can signup if you don't already have an account), create a project, and save your Tigris project configuration to a .env.local file.

npm run tigris:init

By default, the name tigris-movie-db is as the project name. You can override this by passing in --project={name} flag. For example:

npm run tigris:init --project awesome-project

Getting Started

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Add Tigris Automatic Database to Search Synchronization

If you'd just like to see Tigris Search added check out the add-search branch:

git checkout add-search

If you'd like to walk through adding search, follow the Tigris Automatic Database to Search Synchronization video.

Tigris Automatic Database to Search Synchronization on YouTube

Learn More

To learn more about Tigris, take a look at the following resources:

Deploy on Vercel

Deploy the Tigris Movie Database to the Vercel Platform.