Breaking Changes
replaced TSOneHot preprocessor by TSOneHotEncode using a different API (#502)
replaced MultiEmbedding n_embeds, embed_dims and padding_idxs by n_cat_embeds, cat_embed_dims and cat_padding_idxs (#497)
New Features
added GaussianNoise transform (#514)
added TSSequencer model based on Sequencer: Deep LSTM for Image Classification paper (#508)
added TSPosition to be able to pass any steps list that will be concatenated to the input (#504)
added TSPosition preprocessor to allow the concatenation of a custom position sequence (#503)
added TSOneHot class to encode a variable on the fly (#501)
added token_size and tokenizer arguments to tsai (#496)
SmeLU activation function not found (#495)
added example on how to perform inference, partial fit and fine tuning (#491)
added get_time_per_batch and get_dl_percent_per_epoch (#489)
added TSDropVars used to removed batch variables no longer needed (#488)
added SmeLU activation function (#458)
Feature request: gMLP and GatedTabTransformer. (#354)
Pay Attention to MLPs - gMLP (paper, implementation)
The GatedTabTransformer (paper, implementation);
Bugs Squashed
after_batch tfms set to empty Pipeline when using dl.new() (#516)
00b_How_to_use_numpy_arrays_in_fastai: AttributeError: attribute 'device' of 'torch._C._TensorBase' objects is not writable (#500)
getting regression data returns _check_X() argument error (#430)
I wonder why only 'Nor' is displayed in dls.show_batch(sharvey=True). (#416)