New Features
added optional activation to get_X_preds (#715)
added external vocab option to dls (#705)
allow classification outputs with n dimensions (#704)
added get_sweep_config to wandb module (#687)
added functionality to run pipeline sweeps (#686)
added seed to learners to make training reproducible (#685)
added functionality to filter df for required forecasting dates (#679)
added option to train model on train only (#671)
Bugs Squashed
access all available dataloaders in dls (#724)
make all models ending in Plus work with ndim classification targets (#719)
make all models ending in Plus work with ndim work with ndim regression/ forecasting targets (#718)
added MiniRocket to get_arch (#717)
fixed issue with get_arch missing new models (#709)
valid_metrics causes an error when using TSLearners (#708)
valid_metrics are not shown when an array is passed within splits (#707)
TSDatasets w/o tfms and inplace=False creates new X (#695)
Prediction and True Values Swapped in plot_forecast (utils.py) (#690)
MiniRocket incompatible with latest scikit-learn version (#677)
Df2xy causing incorrect splits (#666)
Feature Importance & Step Importance Not working (#647)
multi-horizon forecasting (#591)
Issues saving models with TSMetaDataset Dataloader (#317)