Book A Meal is an Ecommerce web app , specifically targetted towards bringing caterers and users together. It is built on the PERN(PostgreSQL,Express,React,Node) Stack.
git clone
The following tools will be needed to run this application successfully:
- Node v10.15.0 or above
- Npm v6.4 or above
- GET api/v1/meals/ Caterers can get all meals options they uploaded
- POST api/v1/meals/ Catereres can add meal options linked to their account
- PUT api/vi/meals/:mealId Caterers can update their meal options
- DELETE api/v1/meals/:mealId Caterers can delete their meal options
- GET api/v1/menu/ Caterers and Users can Get the menu for the day
- POST api/v1/menu/ Caterers can Set a menu for the day
- GET api/v1/orders Get All Orders
- POST api/v1/orders Users can add Meals to Orders
- PUT api/v1/orders/:orderId Users can modify their orders (Increment/Decrement/Delete)
- POST api/v1/orders/checkout Users can checkout their orders
On your Local Machine
- Pull the develop branch off this repository
- Create a PostgreSQL Database for the App
- Create a
file and modify the Database Url and Add a Jwt_secret - Run
npm install
to install all dependencies - Run
npm run dev
to start the app (development) - Access endpoints on localhost:7000
- To Access API Docs navigate to localhost:7000/api-docs
- Cd into the
folder , this contains the React App for this project - Run
npm install
to install all dependencies - Cd out of the
folder and runnpm run client
to start the React App Dev Server - Access the React App at localhost:3000
Run npm test
in the terminal for the cloned folder.
- Node.js - Runtime-Enviroment
- React.js - Front-End Library
- Express.js - Backend Framework
- PostgreSQL - Database
- Redux - State Management Tool
- Timilehin Olumofin