The dataset that I use is a National Lung Screening Trail (NLST) Dataset that has 138 columns and 1,659 rows. 1,659 rows stand for 1,659 patients. There is a “class” column that stands for with lung cancer or without lung cancer. The other columns are features of the patients, such as “age”, “height”, “education”, etc. The dataset is provided by a professor at the State University of Arkansas and I am a remote volunteer for his lung cancer research project.
Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer. The odds for men is 1 in 13 while that for women is 1 in 16. Therefore, I want to create a model which can find the best features for lung cancer prediction. It can be used to aid the doctors in the decision making process and improve the disease identification process.
- RandomForest embedded pagckages in H2O
- Weight of Evidence and Information Value ( (better performance)
- DecisionTree Classifier
- GradientBoosting Classifier
- LogisticRegression Classifier
- XGBoost Classifier