ArgoCD with Dex Configuration
- To Install argoCD. Update the version if required.
kubectl apply -k argocd-install/
- If you are using public cloud update svc for argocd-server as load balancer"
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
- Get Initial Secret :
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo
- Login to ArgoCD server to upate password
argocd login <ARGOCD_SERVER> # Just the IP:PORT argocd account update-password
- Create new application in AzureAD OIDC follow following link for the same Quick Start : Register an application
- Call back URL in your AzureAD application would be :
- https://<ArgoCD_Server_IP/URL>/api/dex/callback
- I worked with GKE so still needs to work with localhost. It should work for localhost too where the IP/URL is required.
Following file needs to be updated:
- <Your Base64 Client Secret> : with your ClientSecret created in AzureAD for OIDC application
- <Your Clinet/ApplicationID of Azure app> : Client/Application ID in AuzreAD OIDC Application.
- <ArgoCD_Server_IP/URL> : If you port forward your application to localhost it should be
If you create a nodeport type service it should belocalhost:nodeport
If you create a loadbalancer it will be yourloadbalancerIP
Lets first apply the file with configmap and secret changes
kubectl apply -f microsoft-connector/argocd-extra.yaml -n argo
Lets install argocd now
kubectl apply -f microsoft-connector/argocd-install.yaml -n argo
Now port-forward your server to localhost or use the loadbalancer IP and you should see following screen:
URL should be :
- https://localhost OR https://<LoadBalancerIP>
- Click on AZURETEST and it should authenticate your with AzureAD