Train yourself with vim motions and make your own train tracks :)
Tested on nvim-0.4.3+
Does not work on Vim, due to incompatible floating window APIs.
" Required
Plug 'tjdevries/train.nvim'
" Train for movements up and down
" Train for movements related to words
" Train for movements related to text objects
call train#show_matches(['w', 'j', ']]', '[['])
- Allow to "cycle through" the options that we've done, in the case of long reaaching movements
- Add more "styles" of movement, and then map them to something like:
- etc...
- Add a menu/denite/unite source for "options" of learning movement
- Add visual mode type support? Something similar to MatchParen style
- Add some movements from popular plugins?
- Write a good readme 🌟