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Heroku Deployment

Timothy Ko edited this page May 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Heroku Deployment

Heroku allows you to easily deploy your application without worrying about dependencies and how to set up your server. Once it's set up you can just push your code to Heroku and it will automatically update.
You must have a Heroku Account and have the Heroku CLI installed on your computer.

First, create an application in your Heroku dashboard, click on the "Deploy" tab and find the git remote add .... and run that command in your repository. While you're still in your Heroku Dashboard, click add Heroku Postgres. This will add a Postgres Database to your app(we will connect it later).

Then, login into heroku in your command line:

$ heroku login

To double check whether you have the postgres add-on:

$ heroku addons

And you should get something with heroku-postgresql (postgresql-metric-75135)
To let Heroku know get the Production Configurations, we will have to set an environment variable FLASK_ENV to "prod".

$ heroku config:set FLASK_ENV="prod"	

Then push your latest changes to heroku:

$ git push heroku master

After pushing your app to heroku, you need to migrate and update heroku postgres:

$ heroku run bash
~ $ python db init
~ $ python db migrate
~ $ python db upgrade

Finally, open up your live app by clicking the "Open App" button on the top-right corner of your Heroku dashboard!

Heroku Postgres CLI

A pretty neat command to go into the heroku postgres CLI is:

$ heroku pg:psql

Note: You are already inside your database!

Version Errors when migrating database

This happens when the alembic table SQLAlchemy uses screws up. You must remove it and migrate the database again.
Go into the Heroku postgres database

$ heroku pg:psql

Then, delete the alembic table.

# DROP TABLE alembic_version;

Go into your Heroku CLI and remigrate your database

$ heroku run bash
$ python db init
$ python db migrate
$ python db upgrade