Tx packets follows the format showed above.The TX packet length is 10 bytes.
Rx packets follows the format showed above.The RX packet length is 18 bytes.
The length is counting from frame header to checksum.
The packet response from UD Box to denote UD recived “correct” command format.
- Low byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- Mid byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- High byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- Highest byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- Low byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- Mid byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- High byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- Highest byte of UDBox frequency in kHz
- UDBox frequency : 16 GHz (0x00F42400)
- RF frequency : 18.2 GHz (0x0115B5C0)
- IF frequency : 22.1 GHz (0x01513820)
- Coolterm download https://coolterm.en.lo4d.com/windows
- Connect with UART
- coolterm > connection > send string > Hex
- Send hex UART cmd : FF FE 10 02 00 24 F4 00 C0 B5 15 01 20 38 51 01 00 A1
- coolterm > view hex
- Receive hex UART cmd : FF FE 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 F8
- Check the settings by spectrum analyzer.
The packet returned from UD Box to denote OK
The packet returned from UD Box to denote warning or RF - IF != UDBOX LO
The packet returned from UD Box to denote:
- UD recived ”incorrect“ command format or cmd set failed.
- Harmonic frequency triggered.
For every Tx pakcet user needs to prepare LRC checksum before sending the command to UD Box. The LRC is generated by frame header and data payload only.
- Set UDfrequency as 1.925 GHz
- UART response cmd at the fourth byte with error code 0xFF
pseudo code for cmd checksum
uint8_t LRC(uint8_t *msgPtr, uint8_t len)
uint8_t mLRC = 0;
for each element in msgPtr
mLRC += each element in msgPtr
return ((uint8_t)(-((uint8_t)mLRC))); // two's complement