Project for the Universidad Central de Venezuela course, Development of mobile applications
Jun 30, 2020 - HTML
An API can be thought of as an instruction manual for communication between multiple software apparatuses. For example, an API may be used for database communication between web applications. By extracting the implementation and relinquishing data into objects, an API simplifies programming.
Project for the Universidad Central de Venezuela course, Development of mobile applications
Specification for Eddystone, an open beacon format from Google
API de registro de usuários e horas trabalhadas
This is a fun page made for fans and new comers with de StarWars API. In this project I use the method fetch to get the movies data and characters details, also I use the framework Bootstrap to make it responsive and even BB8 could see it in its desplay. May the code be with you... SWAPI
Simple API setup with CRUD operations for a webapp called "Noted" (not real).
App in Node.js per l'esposizione dei dati per ALIRDB tramite Express e basicAuth
Design patterns implemented in Java
Desarrollé el proceso de registro y validación, basado en una programación asíncrona y una arquitectura de componente-estado el cual evita la recarga entre pantallas aumentando la fluidez entre ellas.
API for PF zip codes (code postaux). The docker hub link :
Expenses Tracker
AutomationTestQueue is an API which allows you to deploy your test in a container cluster effortless. WIP
Te permite saber dada su ubicación los cajeros y servipags cercanos a ti.
Replica de Pinterest desarrollada en Angular 6 consumiendo la Api de Unplash