Trinity is a universal off-chain scaling solution, which aims to achieve real-time payments with low transaction fees, scalability and privacy protection for mainchain assets. Using state channel technology, Trinity will significantly increase the transaction throughput of underlying chains as well as the assets on smart contracts. TNC cross-chain converter facilitates the data and value flow between multiple chains. Trinity will be a fully autonomous and decentralized performance-enhancing network for the entire ecosystem and provides all-round support to Dapps on bottom layer chains in the future.
trinity-eth is the implementation of trinity protocol based on ethereum.
Note: Trinity node deployment process requires the configuration environment be python 3.6 and above versions. As the Trinity project continues to evolve, this file may not apply to the Trinity network released in the future; this file was tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
Description: Trinity is developed based on Python 3.6. A very useful tool with python is virtualenv, which is used to build an isolated virtual python environment for the project. It is key to maintain a clean environment during configuration. This file recommends using vitraulenv to keep you in the process of building a node. Details of virtualenv can be found at: En/stable/. Another package management tool with python is Pip, which helps developer easily installed and manage the project. For more information on Pip, please refer to:
Trinity uses mongodb as local data base. Mongodb is a well-known open source no-sql database. It has high performance, easy to deploy and use for data storage. For more information about mongodb, please refer to: https ://
The Trinity node needs to specify a public IP that can be reached in the external communication and the ports you use in the next configuration. Please make sure that the firewall does not block the ports. If you use a cloud server, please refer to your service provider document. If you use a local server, please contact your network service provider for more details.
This file uses Screen as terminals. For more info on Screen, please visit:
Install system libraries and system tools
sudo apt-get install screen git libleveldb-dev libssl-dev g++
Install mongodb and launch the service
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 2930ADAE8CAF5059EE73BB4B58712A2291FA4AD5
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] xenial/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sourcves.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb-org
sudo service mongod start
Ref: Mongodb configuration details, please visit
Install python3.6
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev
Install pip 3.6
sudo wget
sudo python3.6
Install virtualenv
sudo pip3.6 install virtualenv
git clone <your dictionary> ##get wallet code
git clone <your dictionary> ##get gateway code
Enter the trinity-eth directory
cd <your dictionary>/trinity-eth
Create and activate a virtual environment
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the trinity node dependency package
pip install -r requirements
Enter the wallet directory
cd <your dictionary>/trinity-eth
Create and activate a virtual environment
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the trinity node dependency package
pip install -r requirements
Open gateway configuration file
vi gateway/
Find cg_public_ip_port = "localhost:8189" in the localhost and set it as user’s public ip address. Eg: cg_public_ip_port = ""
Create a new session window
screen -S TrinityGateway #TrinityGateway: users can change this name
Enter virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Run the Gateway service
The message below on the console indicates the Gateway successfully started.
###### Trinity Gateway Start Successfully! ######
Use ctrl+a+d to detach the current TrinityGateway session window.
Note: Call the function below to reopen the existing TrinityGateway session window
screen -r TrinityGateway
Modify configuration file
cd <your dictionary>/trinity-eth/wallet
The default configuration file applies to the testnet. Both and exist in the wallet directory. When deploying on the mainnet, users can simply copy into Please refer to notes for configuration details.
Create a new session window
screen -S TrinityWallet #TrinityWallet: users can change this name
Activate python3.6 virtualenv (find it in venv directory)
source venv/bin/activate
Run the Wallet Services (find it in trinity/wallet directory)
- Mainnet Wallet
python3.6 -m #mainnet wallet
- Testnet Wallet
python3.6 #testnet wallet
To detach or resume the wallet session, please refer to the section of running gateways.
After the running of Trinity CLI wallet, the subsequent wallet and channel operations can be performed on the console. Input ‘help’ to the wallet console to view all trinity CLI wallet commands. Here are a few channel-related commands:
- Use create wallet command to set up an address before using the channel.
trinity> create wallet <your wallet file name>
- Open the existing wallet.
Note: The wallet to be opened should have state-channel functions, otherwise the function will be limited.
trinity> open wallet <your wallet file name>
Note: after creating or re-opening a wallet, the wallet will automatically connect to the gateway and enable channel function. If channel function was not enabled within 30s, please call channel function to open it manually.
- Use channel enable command to enable channel function before operating on state channels.
trinity> channel enable
- View the wallet uir through channel show uri command
trinity> channel show uri
- Create channel
trinity> channel create xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx TNC 80000 # create parameters:peer node uri(PublicKey@ip_address:port), asset_type, deposit
- Call channel tx to execute off-chain transactions. Use paymentlink code, or uri + asset + value as tx parameters.
trinity> channel tx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # payment link
trinity> channel tx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx TNC 10
- Call channel payment to generate payment code
trinity> channel payment TNC 10 "mytest" # payment parameters: asset type, value,comments, comments can be empty
- Call channel close to complete settlement and close the channel
trinity> channel close xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #close parameters: channel name
- Call channel peer to check peer nodes in the current channel
trinity> channel peer