This is being done as a part of my INFO-I 310 final. It is a sonification of coastal U.S. archaeological site data, along with a simple visualization done in OpenGl. The data used is taken from landmark work by Anderson et al on the effect of sea-level rise from climate change on coastal archaeological sites. Made in Max/MSP.
Georgia SHPO, Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VA-DHR), Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR), South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA), University of Alabama’s Office of Archaeological Research (OAR) , Louisiana Office of Cultural Development, Division of Archaeology, Maryland Historical Trust , North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) . "Coastal State Site Data for Sea-Level Rise Modeling". (2017) From Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF), Virginia Site Files, Florida Site Files, South Carolina SHPO, Alabama Site Files, Louisiana Site Files, Maryland Site Files, North Carolina Site Files. Edited or directed by: David G. Anderson, Joshua Wells, Stephen Yerka, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Eric C. Kansa. Released: 2017-03-01. Open Context. DOI:
3D model used: Flint Arrowhead by 314159 - licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribute - Share Alike license: