This project is built from bits and pieces I've found on the Internet, including, but not limited to Bill Porter madsci1016/Arduino-PS2X c-herring/PiPS2
For some reason, I couldn't get the PiPS2 library to work with my Chinese knockoff PS2 controller, so I sat down and hacked it beyond recognition. I've probably thrown a dozen babies out with the bath water, but now
To compile, you need the wiringPi library, and if you want to run the curstst program, you'll need the curses library. I've included two shell scripts for your convenience.
There's a messy way and a clean way.
Create spaghetti code
Read PS2 Controller
See if this button is pressed
See if that button is pressed
Clutter up the code with more of these
For an example, see the file messy.cpp
Register all your functions as actions
Read PS2 Controller and dispatch actions
For an example, see the file clean.cpp
Register a function void xaction(int pressure, void *user_data) to be called when the X button is pressed. The pointer user_data can point to anything.
See if I can get pressure mode and native mode to work. Find a better way to ensure valid data