This repository contains the BTP implementation for NS-3
- Download ns-3
- Install ns-3
- Create folder 'broadcast' in scratch folder
- Clone repository to the newly 'broadcast' folder
- Move 'EEBTPTag.h' and '' to 'src/wifi/model'
- Edit src/wifi/wscript
- Add "'model/'" to section 'obj.source'
- Add "'model/EEBTPTag.h'" to section 'headers.source'
Start a simple simulation by running './waf --run="broadcast --nWifi=10 --linearEnergyModel=false --eebtp=true --width=100 --height=100"'
- 'nWifi' specifies the number of Wi-Fi stations to simulate
- 'linearEnergyModel' specifies if the 'CustomTxEnergyModel' is used (false) or not (true)
- With 'eebtp=true' the EEBT-Protocol is used
- 'width' and 'height' is used to set the area where the nodes are deployed