I am a 21 year old junior software developer passionate about productionizing AI. I enjoy transforming AI tools and research into practical, scalable software solutions.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on MarkAI, Kinde and Mirage.
- 🏗️ My current web stack is NextJS, React, TypeScript and PostgreSQL.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning NextJS and PyTorch.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on AI tools and projects.
- 🧰 Tools I used or using NextJS, OpenAI, Vercel, Kinde, Clerk, Langchain, Supabase, JavaScript, Vite, React, Cloudflare(Pages&Workers&R2), OpenCV, TensorFlow, Azure Cognitive Vision, Unity, AWS, GCP.
You can reach me at these places: