ImageNet is a massive collection of categorized real-world images. It is an indispensable resource for various machine learning tasks.
I will use this repository for all of the tools I build around ImageNet, including fetching tools, image recognition tools, etc.
All of the tools in this repository use the Go programming language. Make sure that you have Go installed and have a GOPATH configured.
Once you have Go, you can download all of the dependencies for this repository as follows:
$ go get -u -d
The above command will also download this repository itself. You can cd
into the repository like so (on Linux or macOS):
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
If you do not want to train your own ImageNet classifier, you can download a pre-trained classifier.
To download ImageNet images, you can use the fetch tool. You should create a directory where you would like to save the downloaded images (e.g. /path/to/images
). You should have a text file with one line per WordNet ID (WNID), such as wnids/ilsvrc_2010.txt. You should also decide the maximum number of images you'd like to download for each WNID. If you want to download everything, you can set this to a large number (e.g. 100000).
To commence a download, run the command like so:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go run *.go /path/to/wnids.txt 100000 /path/to/images
The download may take several hours.
To train a classifier on ImageNet images, use the train tool. You will likely want to use the GPU, meaning that you should follow the instructions here on setting up CUDA with Go. You can run the train command as follows:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go run *.go -samples /path/to/images \
-out /path/to/output/file \
-model models/resnet_34.txt \
-batch 32 \
-step 0.1 \
-momentum 0.9 \
-bigbatch 8
All of those arguments can be tuned. In that example, they are configured to match the ResNet paper. You can use the -help
flag for more usage information.
To gracefully pause training, press ctrl+c exactly once (pressing it multiple times terminates without saving). You will likely want to pause training several times to lower the learning rate. However, it is recommended that you pause as infrequently as possible, since the samples are reshuffled whenever you resume (so the sample distribution will become uneven).
After training is complete, the BatchNorm layers in the model need to be replaced with true averages. To do this, use the post_train tool:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go run *.go -samples /path/to/images \
-total 4096 \
-in /path/to/trained/model \
-out /path/to/finalized/model
The -total
argument specifies how many samples to use for the rolling average. A larger number results in a more accurate model, but post-training will take longer.