This folder contains the implementation of the environments, experiments, and the GPL algorithm proposed in the Open Ad Hoc Teamwork using Graph-based Policy Learning paper.
To install required packages, execute the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We also require a modified version of OpenAI gym to run the provided codes. To do the necessary modifications to gym
, check the directory of the gym
package using
pip show gym
Assuming the package is installed in <DIR>
, replace <DIR>/gym/vector/
with the
that we have provided. This can be achieved using the following command :
cp <DIR>/gym/vector/
The codes for our open ad hoc teamwork experiments are provided in Open_Experiments
folder. The Open_Experiments
folder contains three folders, each containing the environment, GPL-Q, and GPL-SPI implementation for a specific environment used in our work.
Before training the models in LBF and Wolfpack, make sure to install the environments used in the experiments using the following commands:
cd Open_Experiments/<Environment Name>/env
pip install -e .
For all environments, run this command to train GPL-Q or GPL-SPI :
cd Open_Experiments/<Environment Name>/<Approach Name>
Full description of the hyperparameters and the architecture used in our work is provided in the appendix of our work.
Aside from training a GPL-Q of GPL-SPI model, the shell script also periodically checkpoints the model and evaluates it in the training and evaluation environment. We specifically run several episodes under the evaluation setup and log the resulting performance using tensorboard. The resulting logs can be viewed using the following command :
tensorboard --logdir=Open_Experiments/<Environment Name>/<Approach Name>/runs
Using the displayed logs, we can see the different metrics we reported in our work such as the average total returns per episode and the shooting accuracy of the learner. To compile the logs of the experiments into the plots we included in our work, you can download the logs as a csv and use the visualization codes in the Visualization
The visualization codes are provided in the Visualization
folder. For results that we have provided in our work, you can compile these visualization by running the
file in each of the folders inside the Visualization
For joint action value analysis, you must first gather the joint action value data. You can do this by running,
cd Action_Value_Analysis/Data_Collection
This will results in several numpy arrays being stored in Action_Value_Analysis/Data_Collection
. To do the analysis, you could then move these numpy arrays to the folder that contains the jupyter notebook for data analysis. You can do this by :
mv Action_Value_Analysis/Data_Analysis/*.npy Action_Value_Analysis/Data_Analysis
You can then run jupyter and execute the commands in the notebook. The visualizations of the metrics proposed in our work can be seen in the final two images produced in the notebook.