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Solr Plugins to support normalized term browse with term-based cross-references

The focus of this project is to extend native Solr faceting functionality to support a range of commonly-desired use cases. The main aspects of extension complement each other, but are mostly orthogonal:

  1. normalized index-order sorting (e.g., case-insensitive)
  2. arbitrary index-order result windows, specified by target term, offset, and limit (in place of Solr's existing "prefix+offset" result window specification)
  3. inclusion of per-term metadata in facet results (e.g., term cross-references)
  4. support for specification of complex term mapping (e.g., synonym expansion) and term metadata generation, dynamically generated by the external indexing process and passed to Solr at index time.
  5. support for document-centric display/expansion of facet term browsing

1. Normalized index-order sorting

The approach to normalized sorting of terms is accomplished by having the value written to the index on disk be the raw input, prepended by a normalized (case-folded, etc.) version of the raw input (and optionally followed by any nonfiling prefix such as "The " in the case of a title), with each part delimited by a specified number of null bytes.

The resulting sorting behavior could in theory be achieved external to Solr (with a stock Solr implementation) by pre-processing fields in the indexing client and constructing Solr input/update docs in this way, and processing on client-side at query time to extract the raw (display) value from the normalized-sortable indexed value. This would not be ideal, for two key reasons:

  1. Transfering content including null bytes has many potential pitfalls in practice
  2. It fails to take advantage of Solr's built-in standardized, highly-customizable normalization and token analysis capabilities.

The classes in the tokentype package avoid these drawbacks by taking advantage of Lucene token types (as defined in the org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute class) to "fork" tokens (assigning different token types to each fork), selectively process tokens according to type (delegating the actual processing to standard solr/lucene analyzers), and merge/concatenate adjacent tokens into null-delimited single output tokens.

<fieldType name="normSortTerm" class="[package].CaseInsensitiveSortingTextField">
    <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="[tokentype].TokenTypeSplitFilterFactory" inputTypeRename="SPLIT_ORIGINAL" outputType="SPLIT_COPY"/>
    <filter class="[tokentype].TokenTypeProcessFilterFactory" includeTypes="SPLIT_COPY" _class="solr.ICUFoldingFilterFactory"/>
    <filter class="[tokentype].TokenTypeJoinFilterFactory" inputTypes="SPLIT_COPY,SPLIT_ORIGINAL" outputType="SPLIT_JOINED"/>

Minor modifications to the solr core code allow all the logic of how term values should be represented externally to be implemented at the FieldType level -- a fully-supported Solr plugin extension point.

2. Arbitrary index-order result windows

Stock Solr currently provides only one way to specify the result window for index-sorted facets: prefix + offset. This is a fairly blunt instrument for many use cases, and for fields with a large number of values (hence requiring relatively large offsets), the bluntness is more keenly felt, and this approach is actually somewhat less efficient than an approach supporting more direct specification of target terms.

The target + offset + limit functionality introduced in this project is actually quite similar to the prefix + offset functionality, although the nuances of implementation differ, and the API semantics vary slightly:

API parameters

Specifies a term whose ceiling (within the index, after processing by the fieldType's queryAnalyzer) defines a reference point for the requested window of terms.


Specifies the requested size of the window of terms to be returned.


Specifies the requested offset of the target term (ceiling) with respect to the window of terms returned. Semantics are analogous to zero-based array indexing.

Simple examples

Given an index of terms: C D E F G

The following request configurations would return the following windows:

target limit offset returned window
D 1 0 C [D] E F G
D 1 -1 C D [E] F G
D 1 1 [C] D E F G
Da 1 0 C D [E] F G
Da 2 0 C D [E F] G
Fa 2 2 C D [E F] G

"Edge" cases; complex examples

By design, the client has no a priori knowledge of the contents of the index, and is issuing arbitrary stateless requests against a dynamic index. Because of this, it is possible that the user may request a target/offset/limit combination that is impossible to satisfy exactly as requested. To accommodate these cases, every target/offset response of terms for a given field contains leading metadata specifying two values: count, and target_offset. count is the number of terms actually included in the response (which may be <= the requested target.limit). target_offset is the actual offset of the requested target term, with respect to the array of terms actually returned in the response. (For the above "simple" examples, these response metadata values are omitted; in all cases count == target.limit, and target_offset == target.offset). Complex examples and discussion follow:

target limit offset returned window count target_offset
D 2 2 [C D] E F G 2 1
C 2 2 [C D] E F G 2 0
F 2 -1 C D E [F G] 2 0
H 2 -1 C D E [F G] 2 2
C 6 0 [C D E F G] 5 0
D 6 0 [C D E F G] 5 1
D 6 -1 [C D E F G] 5 1
D 6 6 [C D E F G] 5 1

This behavior may be simply defined as giving priority to the requested facet.limit over the requested facet.offset.

In the context of a normal paging UI, this decision may initially seem strange; but in fact it greatly simplifies the definition and implementation of the behavior, and reduces the number of API calls and guesswork necessary from the point of view of the client. By way of illustration, consider the following example:

Over our 5-term sample index, a user enters an arbitrary target of "H", offset 0. Solr must read the index, have the information at its fingertips, and respond to the user in a way that indicates that the term information cannot be returned exactly as requested. As an API, it is most useful for Solr to respond in a way that sends as much possibly-relevant information as possible; it is up to the client application to determine how, or whether, to expose that information to the end user.

3. Inclusion of per-term metadata in facet results

In stock Solr, little significance is attributed to the term per se, other than as a key for document retrieval and search relevance ranking. What little data is associated with an individual term-in-doc (position, offset, etc.) tends to be purely mechanical, used for purposes of ranking and display context, etc. In many cases this is completely appropriate, but in some cases it is useful to give clients more direct awareness of the context of the inclusion of the term in the index. This can in fact be achieved by leveraging existing Solr infrastructure.

The motivating use case is one in which terms are highly normalized according to a linked controlled vocabulary: subject and name authority headings. It is desired that users be able to browse name headings, and see explicit cross-references from inline headings to other related terms contained in the index. For instance, a user browsing the index for "Clemens, Samuel Langhorne" should find an entry for "Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910", with an associated count of works containing that heading exactly, but also a reference (and associated count) to works containing the related heading, "Twain, Mark, 1835-1910".

Behavior is similar to that of the standard Solr synonym filter, but transparently exposing to the user the term from which the "synonym" was derived, and exposing some extra information about the relationship between the two terms (cf. the simple "equivalence" relationship implied by the existing Solr synonym filter).


The implementation of this functionality is achieved by leveraging the Solr PayloadAttribute to record term relationships.

The Solr PayloadAttribute is a per-term-per-doc attribute (similar to PositionIncrementAttribute and OffsetAttribute) used by Solr to associate arbitrary binary payloads with individual instances of terms in documents. This is currently used mainly to support relevance boosting of particular instances of terms (see the DelimitedPayloadTokenFilterFactory and PayloadQParserPlugin). Even if one wanted to use PayloadAttributes for this purpose, boosting is not relevant in a faceting context. So we will repurpose the PayloadAttribute in a way that is relevant in a faceting context: to encode term relationship metadata! Relationships are recorded per-term-per-doc, and parsed and aggregated at query time for inclusion as term metadata in the "extended" facet response.

4. Support externally specified complex term expansion

As mentioned above, the per-term "reference" metadata is quite similar to the static synonym expansion provided natively in Solr via the SynonymFilter; but the volume and complexity of the vocabulary and references can quickly make a static approach unsustainable. This was in fact the case with the name and subject authorities of our motivating use case.

The need to support dynamic reference/synonym generation is clear, but to implement it as a Solr TokenFilter in the server-side analyzer would require deploying heavyweight reference resolution tools on all Solr servers in a potential SolrCloud deployment, and would require running such tools (with attendant resource and performance implications) in a production environment that supports indexing and end-user querying.

The solution was to offload the dynamic reference/synonym generation to an external indexing client. All generated references are passed to Solr as an JSON-encoded field value, and a corresponding Solr Tokenizer configured on the Solr server parses the JSON-encoded field and emits tokens accordingly, as if the references had been simply generated as part of a standard server-side Solr analysis chain.

JSON Reference Payload fields -- implementation overview and usage

JsonReferencePayloadTokenizerFactory will parse a string at index or query time containing a serialized JSON object describing a main term, and may at index-time also contain references to other terms. JsonReferencePayloadHandler is used at query-time to read term references out the PayloadAttribute of term/doc postings, and build the term metadata (aggregated references) for Solr query responses.

The motivating use case for this is a facet field which you want to be able to browse and display cross-references for.

You'll need to set up a fieldType definition in the schema.xml file:

<fieldType name="xfacet" class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.CaseInsensitiveSortingTextField" payloadHandler="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.JsonReferencePayloadHandler" sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true">
  <analyzer type="index">
    <tokenizer class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.JsonReferencePayloadTokenizerFactory"/>
    <!-- use SplitFilter to create 'normalized' token based on 'filing' token -->
    <filter class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.tokentype.TokenTypeSplitFilterFactory" includeTypes="filing" outputType="normalized" _class="" />
    <filter class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.tokentype.TokenTypeJoinFilterFactory" inputTypes="normalized,filing,prefix" outputType="indexed" typeForPayload="normalized" outputComponentTypes="false"/>
  <analyzer type="query">
    <tokenizer class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.JsonReferencePayloadTokenizerFactory"/>
    <!-- use SplitFilter to create 'normalized' token based on 'filing' token -->
    <filter class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.tokentype.TokenTypeSplitFilterFactory" includeTypes="filing" outputType="normalized" _class="" />
    <filter class="edu.upenn.library.solrplugins.tokentype.TokenTypeJoinFilterFactory" inputTypes="normalized,filing,prefix" outputType="indexed" typeForPayload="normalized" outputComponentTypes="true"/>

Fields can then be defined as follows:

<field name="subject_xfacet" type="xfacet" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

5. Support for document-centric display/expansion of facet term browsing

In some cases, it is desirable to perform the equivalent of a sort on a multi-valued field. Presumably because of the difficulty of defining the desired behavior, this functionality is not supported in stock Solr. But there are particular, fairly common use cases where this behavior would be desirable. (N.b., by design, this may result in the same document appearing in multiple locations in the browse "index").

For example, suppose a user wants to browse documents with the title "Hamlet" -- roughly equivalent to the stock-supported use case of sorting by title and paging to the "H"s. Without some form of sorting on multi-valued field, the index schema must be configured to choose one and only one canonical "title" per record. But the work "Hamlet" appears under various canonical titles, especially when one considers translated versions of the work: "Amleto", "Chamlet", "Gamlet", "Hamlit".... Despite the fact that the records for these non-standard titles all contain references to the uniform title "Hamlet", the schema designer is forced to choose between having these records appear under their actual title ("title proper"), or under the uniform title, co-located with the rest of the related works.

Support for document-centric results in response to term-based browsing can be readily achieved as an extension of the term browsing approach implemented in this project. This is mainly applicable (and useful) for fields that can a large number of mostly unique terms, and are nearly single-valued: such as "title", or "call number", in a library context. The addition of a facet.targetDoc=[id] parameter to the, facet.offset, and facet.limit parameter causes results to be returned in a document-centric fashion, and introduces some changes in the way the parameters are interpreted:

  1. facet.limit and facet.offset params (and response count and target_offset metadata) are now interpreted and applied with respect to the number of documents returned.
  2. the target within the document-based results array is now determined by a "key" derived from a strict interpretation of the term parameter in combination with the specified facet.targetDoc id. The id is taken from the uniqueKey field (as defined in the Solr schema.

This "document-centric" extension is implemented orthogonally to the "term metadata"/"cross-reference" feature introduced in this project; each feature may be used independently, or they may be used in combination.

Building the jar file

The project jar file may be assembled using Apache Maven from the project root:

mvn clean install

... which leaves a built copy of the jar file at target/solrplugins-${version}.jar

Because this project overrides core Solr classes (see below) it is tightly coupled to particular versions of Solr. Ensure that the version of Solr that you are running is the same as the target Solr version for plugins release (check lucene-solr-version property in pom.xml file).

How is the project structured and updated?

The simplest and most sustainable approach to introducing this functionality involves some minimal modification of a handful (4, as of 2016-09-16) of core Solr classes, to provide hooks for extension via plugins. These modifications completely preserve backward compatibility with stock Solr faceting behavior.

To simplify this patching of Solr classes, minimize the footprint of this project, and enable deployment in standard environments (e.g., with the standard Solr docker image), we opted not to fork Lucene-Solr and use a custom build. To allow the project to keep pace with upstream Solr releases, a branch 'solr-upstream-base' is maintained with stock versions of tagged releases for locally-modified Solr classes. A script is maintained in that branch that specifies the solr files to be extended, and is responsible for downloading them into the branch (to achieve a sort of pseudo-remote-tracking branch). This branch may then be merged into master, integrating upstream changes and making it apparent when any such changes require manual intervention. Although this approach to extending Solr code may seem slightly unorthodox, it has served very well thus far.


One consequence of this approach to project structure and maintenance is that care must be taken in deployment to load classes from the solrplugins jar file before corresponding classes from the stock Solr jar files. This is best accomplished using Jetty's extraClasspath method to affect the load order of jar files within Jetty, adding the following child element:

  <Set name="extraClasspath">${path_to}/solrplugins.jar</Set>

to the Solr Jetty WebAppContext configuration. The relevant config file in the standard Solr distribution is server/contexts/solr-jetty-context.xml. The path is rooted at /opt/solr/ in the stock Solr docker image.


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