python3 -m venv <env_name>
source <env_name>/bin/activate
pip3 install dvc
git init
dvc init
To install requirements for running object detection pipeline with YoloV5 Requires PyTorch, CUDA(if GPU Enabled)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Here dcount is the number of versions of datasets uploaded(dcount = 0 when initialised)
# file params.yaml
dvc repro
streamlit run
dvc run -n <Stage_name>
-p ingest.dcount -p <add parameters>
-d src/<Stage_file>.py -d <Any dependencies>
-o data/<Output dir>
python3 src/
dvc dag
Create .streamlit/secrets.toml file and add your AWS S3 BUCKET ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY
ACCESS_KEY = 'xxxxxxx'
SECRET_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'