Week 9 Project for MLH Production Engineering Fellowship!
Varsha Rathore 💻 |
Ciara (CiCi) Swann 🎨 |
Stephanie Wang 💻 |
Lance Ellis 🖋 |
Foodstagram is a site where users can share their favorite food photos. After users create an account or log into a previously existing one, they are directed to the home page. Users can take a look at the site's most recently posted photos on the home page or view a specific user's posts on their profile page.
There are login and register pages in addition to the basic html webpage to give users the accessibility to own accounts. Automation is another backbone of this project as there is CI/CD integration, monitoring, and deployment on AWS. The site is also mobile responsive.
Our site can be accessed at foodstagram.tech.
Make sure you have python3 and pip installed.
cd into the backend. Create and activate virtual environment using virtualenv:
cd backend
python -m venv python3-virtualenv
source python3-virtualenv/bin/activate
Use the package manager pip to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please view the following README for AWS Configuration information: https://github.com/varsharathore16/Foodstagram/tree/main/AWS%20setup
Start flask development server:
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
or use vsc debugger by pressing F5
To run tests:
Run entire test suite -
Run specific test file -
pytest <filename>.py