#Hapi Hapi Joi Joi
This is code for a simple web server using the node based Hapi server, and Joi, a validation library. This project and it's code is for a blog post that is located at
Note: the examples use ES6. The project was created on Node v6.2.2
##Install & Run These commands will pull down the required libraries, and then run the node server defined in index.js.
npm install
node index.js
- localhost:9000 => 'Hello World!'
- localhost:9000/hello?name=Jim => 'Hello Jim!'
- localhost:9000/hello/Bob => 'Hello Bob!'
- localhost:9000/validate?name=Jim => 'Hello Jim'
- localhost:9000/validate?name=bobsyouruncle => 400
- localhost:9000/documentation