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Releases: verlok/picturePolyfill

Releasing v4.2.1

06 Dec 08:54
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Fixed bower file

Releasing version 4.2.0

16 Sep 21:28
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PicturePolyfill 4.2.0 fixes a bug in IE8 so that now you're free to include the img tag without a src attribute inside the picture tag, and avoid a duplicated HTTP call to the image source.

Releasing version 4.1.3

25 Jul 07:59
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Fixed a bug that occured when no media matched

Releasing version 4.1.2

24 Jul 06:06
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Production ready release. Tests are all green.

Releasing 4.1.1

23 Jul 06:22
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Releasing 4.1.1 Pre-release

Now picturePolyfill now supports srcset attribute in the img tag (read and write).
WARNING: This version has not yet been tested on any Internet Explorer version, so is NOT PRODUCTION READY.

Releasing version 4.0.0

18 Jul 21:27
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This release is MAJOR because it changes the <source> parsing algorithm behavior: it now exits at the first matching media query instead of at the last one, as the native implementation does.

Releasing version 3.4.0

14 Jul 07:44
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Version 3.4.0 gives the user the ability to parse() the DOM without reading from picturePolyfill’s internal cache.

To parse the whole DOM tree without reading from cache, do parse(document, false).
To parse only a DOM subtree without reading from cache, do parse(element, false) where element is the subtree's parent node.

Releasing version 3.3.3

05 May 22:59
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Releasing version 3.3.3: fixed a bug when using picturePolyfill together with the matchMedia polyfill

Releasing version 3.3.2

27 Apr 16:23
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Fixed #7 and merged #9.

Releasing version 3.3.0

26 Apr 13:25
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Releasing 3.3.0, which copies picture's width and height attributes to the resulting img tag