Fridge - extremely simple async/await
fetch-and-store implementation you'll ever see !
Let your fancy struct
(s) raise and shine again, allowing you to focus on 💬 🥊🤖⭐️🗝 stuff.
is a freezing device ❄️. It has to keep things cool enough, exposing just icy interface.
Method | Description |
Fridge.grab🔮(from: URL) |
Grabs your model from the network endpoint (iOS 15+ only) |
Fridge.push📡(object, to) |
Pushes (sends) your model to designated network endpoint (iOS 15+ only) |
Fridge networking model supports async/await
philosophy and is here to reduce the pain of:
- fetching your stuff from the network,
- parsing or decoding (JSON) data,
- doing boring error checking
- and yeah... good old closures.
With Fridge, you can even say goodbye to closures and CoreData if you want! 🤷🏻♂️
Checkout documentation for more information.
Method | Description |
Fridge.freeze🧊(object, identifier) |
Safely "freezes" your struct to persistant store |
Fridge.unfreeze🪅🎉(identifier) |
"Unfreezes" (previously frozen), struct giving you control of it |
Fridge storage mechanics are built on Foundation principles and use BSON
as internal storage mechanism. All you have to do is to conform your struct to Encodable
and you're ready to go, Fridge will take care of the rest.
Checkout documentation for more information.
// 1. Conform your fancy struct to Decodable
struct GHRepo: Decodable {
var name: String
var repositoryURL: URL
// ... other fields
do {
// 2. Await for grab🔮 method...
let myRepo: GHRepo = try await Fridge.grab🔮(from: URL("")!)
} catch let err {
print("Naaah.. Something bad happened: \(err)")
// 3. Then, at your will, use myRepo as any other Foundation object
// ... something ...
// 4. Later on...
do {
try Fridge.freeze🧊(myRepo, id: "myIdentifier")
} catch let e {
print("Whoops... Here: \(e)")
Talking is cheap. Show me the code. - Linus Torvalds
Here is some real world usage of Fridge
- Clmn - Beautiful macOS app that operates with tasks in columns
- Playground examples of Fridge practical usage
Using Swift Package Manager
is by far the sexiest way to install Fridge
// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.9"))
targets: [
.target(name: "YOUR-TARGET", dependencies: ["Fridge"])
Quick links:
name: "Fridge"
url: ""
branch: "main"
For Fridge
to work in full capacity, following Swift & iOS configuration is recommended:
- Xcode
- Swift
- iOS
- macOS
Recommended versions mentioned above area guaranteed to successfully build & test Fridge
If nothing else, you can always fire an issue if you stumble upon the way.
Although, you can even run Fridge
with following: 😮
- iOS
- macOS
...but you won't be able to grab🔮
things nor any of the fancy async/await
things. Sorry 🤷🏻♂️
Be sure to meet minimum configuration parameters as you may encounter difficult-to-recover build errors on earlier configurations.
Sometimes, setting liker flag to -Xfrontend -enable-experimental-concurrency
helps, but may fail if building with commandline.
That may be helpfull for Xcode 12.x
, assuming Swift 5.x
is installed.
Checkout official website, for supporting earlier than minimums and other info.
Fridge uses BSONCoder v0.9 - Copyright by Vexy.
Check original library licencing information under licencing section in README file.
RTFM isn't a joke... 🥴
In the Docs you'll quickly figure out how to:
- easily fetch object from the network,
- persistently store your objects,
- load them back into your app,
- catch nasty errors along the way
- all other dirtly little secrets about the Fridge
Check usage examples or entire Guides collection for more goodies.
Xcode Playground
file can be found here.
For a bigger picture overview, feel free to check architecture diagrams... ∰
If you like Fridge, feel free to fire a pull request.
The prefered way is to branch off the main
branch, complete feature or a fix and then merge to development
. After the pull request has been approved, your change will be merged to main
Don't be affraid to start any discussions if you think so.
Issues section is a good way to start, if you stumble upon the way.
Fridge BETA release : v0.9.3 ( UTC2022-09-24 )
Copyright © 2016 Veljko Tekelerović | MIT license
PGP: 6302 D860 B74C BD34 6482 DBA2 5187 66D0 8213 DBC0
- Lightweight, fast and extreeemely simple to use fetch or store mechanism.