In this guide, we’ll walk you through setting up and running a native Android video calling app. Follow these steps to get the project up and running smoothly.
Clone the repository to your local environment.
- Add your VideoSDK authentication token to your MainApplication class. You can obtain your token from the VideoSDK dashboard
- Replace your firebase app
file in the app folder.
You need to grant call account permissions to enable VideoSDK to make and receive calls.
Click on All calling accounts
and allow the app to receive call.
NOTE : It is necesary to setup local server before run the project.
Download private Key from firebase and add the .json
file in the server folder.
// Path to your service account key file for Firebase Admin SDK
var serviceAccount = require("add_path_here");
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "database_url" // Replace with your database URL
npm install
npm run start
Add Local server ip address in Network/
file, eg. "".
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- Nothing device