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Building a Stereo 360 WebVR player 🌐

Or Fleisher edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 1 revision

To get started building your own stereo 360 WebVR player, go to Vimeo and upload your 360 video. Next, remix our Glitch example:

Glitch remix badge

For more on that see Getting Started

Next, generate your own Vimeo API token to access your videos. You can generate the token here, and then copy and paste it into the .env file from the Glitch project file browser.

Open the examples/webvr-stereo.html and change id in line 4 to your Vimeo video id, it should something like:

<a-entity vimeo="id: vimeo_video_id;
    <a-entity id="rightEye"></a-entity>
    <a-entity id="leftEye"></a-entity>

Your stereo 360 WebVR player is now good to go, launch the Glitch live preview.