Neovim (nvim) host plugin provider and API client library in D.
The following snippets show how you can use this library, check out the examples for more information. This GIF shows the demo-plugin
below in action:
- Provide a library for high-performance plugins (it takes between 2-4ms on average via msgpack RPC to call a function).
- Provide an API for other projects to integrate with nvim.
import nvimhost.plugin;
import nvimhost.api;
struct DemoPlugin {
NvimAPI nvim;
this(ref NvimAPI nvim) {
this.nvim = nvim;
// sync function with one argument
string greet(string name) {
return "Hello " ~ name;
// sync function with multiple arguments
int sumBeginToEnd(int begin, int end) {
import std.range;
import std.algorithm.iteration;
import std.stdio;
return cast(int) iota(begin, end).sum();
// sync function calling async (non blocking) nvim functions
int setVarValue(int i) {
import std.conv;
nvim.commandAsync("let g:test_var_value=" ~!string);
return i;
// async function calling both async and sync nvim functions
@NvimFunc("SetVarValueAsync", Async)
void setVarValueAsync(int i) {
import std.conv;
nvim.commandAsync("let g:testasync_var_value=" ~!string);
nvim.command("echomsg 'hello world sync!'");
void main() {
// make sure you source this .vim file in neovim, since this will bootstrap
// the binary and register the plugin
auto pluginDstFile = "~/.config/nvim/settings/demo-plugin.vim";
// template instantiate DemoPlugin
auto plugin = NvimPlugin!(DemoPlugin)("demo-plugin", pluginDstFile);
// keep it running
scope (exit) {
void main() {
import std.stdio;
import nvimhost.api : NvimAPI;
auto nvim = NvimAPI();
// Calling a simple command on Neovim
nvim.command("echomsg 'hello world!'");
// Iterating over loaded buffers
auto buffers = nvim.vimGetBuffers();
foreach (buffer; buffers) {
writeln("buffer #", buffer);
You can find the code documentation generated by the dub registry here.
- Fetch it using
, and use it as a library in your source code by importing thenvimhost
dub fetch nvimhost
dub build nvimhost --build=release
For more information about building binaries, check out the .gitlab-ci.yml file
- Your users compile the binary using
or - You pre-compile dynamically linked binaries for the platforms you want to target.
Based on the current build settings, the dynamic linked binary will depend on common C libraries such as
, and a few others, which are expected to be present on most Unix distributions, so it should run without any issues.
If you want to try out the demo-plugin
, I've pre-compiled the binary for linux x86_64:
curl -LO
chmod +x demo-plugin
sudo mv demo-plugin /usr/local/bin
(or somewhere else in your PATH)demo-plugin
(execute the plugin once in your shell to generate the manifest)- In your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim file,
source ~/.config/nvim/settings/demo-plugin.vim
From this point forward, all plugin functions will be available to be called from nvim
- Launch
and call native D functions from this plugin, for example,:call Greet("D")
Both unit tests and system tests (end-to-end) testing with nvim have been automated in the CI.