Use Case | Basic API | Practical Approach |
Source -> Kafka | Producer | Kafka Connector Source |
Kafka -> Kafka | Consumer + Producer | Kafka Stream |
Kafka -> Sink | Consumer | Kafka Connect Sink |
Kafka -> App | Consumer | Consumer |
Kafka's command line tools
Pub/Sub and Streaming
Overall Kafka architecture and design
Message metadata
System metrics
Message Key selection (choices and factors)
Message schema management
Clients: Producer and Consumer, concepts and functions
Client troubleshooting/debugging
Performace, throughput, latency, scaling
Message order and delivery guarantees
Consumer offset management
Consumer groups, pertitaion assignment, partition rebalances
Data retention strategies and implications
Topic co-partitioning
Securing your data
Monitoring and troubleshooting clients
Kafka stream features and uses cases
- Esstential component parts of Kafka Streams application
KSQL/ksqlDB features and use cases:
- Esstential elements of KSQL/ksqlDB env
2013 - 0.8.x:
- Topic replication, Log compaction
- Simplified producer client API
2015 - 0.9.x:
Simplified high level consumer APIs, without Zookeepeer dependency
Added security (Encryption and Authentication)
Kafka Connect APIs
2016 - 0.10.0:
- Kafka Streams APIs
2017 - 0.10.1, 0.10.2:
- Improved Connect API, Singple Message Transforms API
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- Courses related to Kafka
- 6 Confluent exams