This project is a demonstration project. The developer is not responsible for the use of this repository
Example HTTP SPAM code written in GoLang.
Problem: Our project often has phishing attacks that have to be attacked by a simple HTTP attack to overflow the database/nginx/cache/etc.
The idea of the project is to give a tool to everyone to clean the market from such stupid scammers
Clone the repository and change the working directory:
git clone
cd golang-http-spam
Build the program:
go build -o attack
go build ./main.go
Run the program:
./attack -url localhost:8080
./main.exe -url localhost:8080
Usage of ./main:
-url string
url for attack with http/https (
-method string
method for attack (POST/GET). Default: POST
-data string
JSON string for body/query to HTTP requst ({"email" : "", "test": "test"})
-count int
count requst for attack. Default: 10000
-threads int
count threads for attack. Default: 1
-proxy string
path to proxy list. Accept: HTTP(S)/SOCKS(4/5)
-query string
query params for URL. Accept: GET/POST request
-urlPath string
path to url list. formula: threads * urlPath
#If u want work with telegram bot replace global var botToken#
bot supports command /spamm with all arguments above'
In order to pass authorization, you need to call the /auth command and enter the received code on the website
- [X] GET with query
- [X] add proxy for attack
- [X] use go rutina
- [X] add telegram bot
- [ ] add stop command
- [X] add createAdmin command
- [X] add deleteAdmin command
- [X] mass urls attack
- [X] add db
- [X] add history table
- [X] add telegram admins list
- [ ] add cmd for check history
- [ ] mass urls attack in telegram bot
- [X] add web interface
- [X] create auth
- [ ] create dashboard
- [ ] create admin pannel
- [ ] create module for start attack in web
Name: Nikita
TG: @nvtorushin
About me: