config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
- Install virtualBox + Vagrant
- cd /path/project
- vagrant up
- edit hosts ( The project is available here:
Now you can work with virtual machine in vagrant ssh
Implement web application for files upload and their folders categorization and resulting view on separate page.
• manager console with CRUD editors for categories/folders and files (aka backend) • resulting view of categories and files (aka frontend)
• each file should belong to one of the given categories • each category should be represented both in DB and file structure as folders with actual nesting structure of categories • file should reside physically in specified folder that represents referenced category • each folder should have at most 10 files • authorization is not required (but is a plus) • visual interface, libraries up to developer to decide • maximum nesting level of categories is 5 • when file being clicked on frontend we should be see/download contents of file • only text files are allowed to be uploaded • use symfony2 framework • use MySQL • you are free to ask questions and some conditions of task can be changed upon mutual agreement