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r10k Configuration Module

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with r10k
  4. Webhook Support
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Support
  8. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  9. Running tests


This module was built to install and configure r10k. It has a base class to configure r10k to synchronize dynamic environments. It also has a series of lateral scripts and tools that assist in general workflow, that will be separated into their own modules into the future.

Module Description

This module is meant to manage the installation and configuration of r10k using multiple installation methods on multiple platforms.


Please refer to the official r10k docs for specific configuration patterns.

Prefix Example

Instead of passing a single remote, you can pass a puppet hash as the sources parameter. This allows you to configure r10k with prefix support. This often used when multiple teams use separate repos, or if hiera and puppet are distributed across two repos.

class { 'r10k':
  sources => {
    'webteam' => {
      'remote'  => 'ssh://',
      'basedir' => "${::settings::codedir}/environments",
      'prefix'  => true,
    'secteam' => {
      'remote'  => 'ssh://',
      'basedir' => '/some/other/basedir',
      'prefix'  => true,

What r10k affects

  • Installation of the r10k gem
  • Installation of ruby when not using an existing ruby stack i.e. when using puppet_gem
  • Management of the r10k.yaml in /etc
  • Installation and configuration of a sinatra app when using the webhook.

Version chart

Gem installation is pinned to a default version in this module, the following chart shows the gem installation tested with the respective module version. You can override this by passing the version parameter.

Module Version r10k Version
v4.0.0+ Latest Version
v3.0.x 1.5.1
v2.8.2 1.5.1
v2.7.x 1.5.1
v2.6.5 1.4.1
v2.5.4 1.4.0
v2.4.4 1.3.5
v2.3.1 1.3.4
v2.3.0 1.3.2
v2.2.8 1.3.1
v2.2.x 1.1.0

Setup Requirements

r10k connects via ssh and does so silently in the background, this typically requires ssh keys to be deployed in advance of configuring r10k. This includes the known host ( public ) key of the respective git server, and the user running r10k's private key used to authenticate git/ssh during background runs. If you are going to use git repos to retrieve modules, you also need git installed.

Here is an example of deploying the git package and ssh keys needed for r10k to connect to a repo called puppet/control on a gitlab server. This is helpful when you need to automatically deploy new masters

package { 'git':
  ensure => installed,

sshkey { '':
  ensure => present,
  type   => 'ssh-rsa',
  target => '/root/.ssh/known_hosts',
  key    => '...+dffsfHQ==',

# Resource git_webhook is provided by
git_deploy_key { 'add_deploy_key_to_puppet_control':
  ensure       => present,
  name         => $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
  path         => '/root/.ssh/',
  token        => hiera('gitlab_api_token'),
  project_name => 'puppet/control',
  server_url   => '',
  provider     => 'gitlab',

A simple example of creating an ssh private key would use an exec to call yes y | ssh-keygen -t dsa -C "r10k" -f /root/.ssh/id_dsa -q -N ''. The example above shows using git_deploy_key which would deploy that key to the remote git server via its api. This is often required in the programtic creation of compile masters.

Given r10k will likely be downloading your modules, often on the first server it's run on, you will have to puppet apply this module to bootstrap this configuration and allow for ongoing management from there.

Beginning with r10k

The simplest example of using it would be to declare a single remote that would be written to r10k.yaml.

class { 'r10k':
  remote => '',

This will configure /etc/r10k.yaml and install the r10k gem after installing ruby using the puppetlabs/ruby module.

It also supports installation via multiple providers, such as installation in the puppet_enterprise ruby stack in versions less than 3.8

Installing into the Puppet Enterprise ruby stack in PE 2015.x

class { 'r10k':
  remote   => '',
  provider => 'puppet_gem',

Note: It is recommended you migrate to using the pe_r10k module which is basically a clone of this modules features and file tickets for anything missing.

Using an internal gem server

Depending on implementation requirements, there are two ways to use alternate gem sources.

The gemrc approach

Create a global gemrc for Puppet Enterprise to add the local gem source. See for more information.

file { '/opt/puppet/etc':
  ensure => 'directory',
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => '0',
  mode   => '0755',

file { 'gemrc':
  ensure  => 'file',
  path    => '/opt/puppet/etc/gemrc',
  owner   => 'root',
  group   => '0',
  mode    => '0644',
  content => "---\nupdate_sources: true\n:sources:\n-\n",

class { 'r10k':
  remote   => '',
  provider => 'pe_gem',
  require  => File['gemrc'],

The parameter approach

Add gem_source to declaration.

class { 'r10k':
  remote      => '',
  provider    => 'gem',
  gem_source  => '',

Mcollective Support

alt tag

An mcollective agent is included in this module which can be used to do on demand synchronization. This mcollective application and agent can be installed on all masters using the following class Note: You must have mcollective already configured for this tool to work, Puppet Enterprise users will automatically have mcollective configured. This class does not restart the mcollective or pe-mcollective server on the nodes to which it is applied, so you may need to restart mcollective for it to see the newly installed r10k agent.

include r10k::mcollective

Using mco you can then trigger mcollective to call r10k using

mco r10k synchronize

You can sync an individual environment using:

mco r10k deploy <environment>

Note: This implies -p

You can sync an individual module using:

mco r10k deploy_module <module>

If you are required to run r10k as a specific user, you can do so by passing the user parameter:

mco r10k synchronize user=r10k

To obtain the output of running the shell command, run the agent like this:

mco rpc r10k synchronize -v

An example post-receive hook is included in the files directory. This hook can automatically cause code to synchronize on your servers at time of push in git. More modern git systems use webhooks, for those see below.

Passing proxy info through mco

The mcollective agent can be configured to supply r10k/git environment http_proxy, https_proxy variables via the following example

class { 'r10k::mcollective':
  http_proxy     => 'http://proxy.example.lan:3128',
  git_ssl_no_verify => 1,

Install mcollective support for post receive hooks

Install the mco command from the puppet enterprise installation directory i.e.

cd ~/puppet-enterprise-3.0.1-el-6-x86_64/packages/el-6-x86_64
sudo rpm -i

Copy the peadmin mcollective configuration and private keys from the certificate authority (puppet master)


Ensure you update the paths in ~/.mcollective when copying to new users whose name is not peadmin. Ideally mcollective will be used with more then just the peadmin user's certificate in the future. That said, if your git user does not have a home directory, you can rename .mcollective as /etc/client.cfg and copy the certs to somewhere that is readable by the respective user.


Note: PE2 only requires the .mcollective file as the default auth was psk

Removing the mcollective agent

class { 'r10k::mcollective':
  ensure => false,

This will remove the mcollective agent/application and ddl files from disk. This likely would be if you are migrating to Code manager in Puppet Enterprise.

Webhook Support

alt tag For version control systems that use web driven post-receive processes you can use the example webhook included in this module. When the webhook receives the post-receive event, it will synchronize environments on your puppet masters. These settings are all configurable for your specific use case, as shown below in these configuration examples.

NOTE: MCollective and Bolt aren't currently supported with Webhook Go. This will be addressed in a future release of Webhook Go, but is an issue related to the complex nature of Bolt and MCollective/Choria commands that cause issues with the way Go executes shell commands.

Webhook Github Enterprise - Non Authenticated

This is an example of using the webhook without authentication. The git_webhook type will use the api token to add the webhook to the "control" repo that contains your puppetfile. This is typically useful when you want to automate the addition of the webhook to the repo.

# Instead of running via mco, run r10k directly
class {'r10k::webhook::config':
  use_mcollective => false,

class {'r10k::webhook':
  ensure         => true,
  server         => {
    protected => false,

# Add webhook to control repository ( the repo where the Puppetfile lives )
# Resource git_webhook is provided by
git_webhook { 'web_post_receive_webhook' :
  ensure       => present,
  webhook_url  => 'http://master.of.masters:8088/payload',
  token        =>  hiera('github_api_token'),
  project_name => 'organization/control',
  server_url   => '',
  provider     => 'github',

# Add webhook to module repo if we are tracking branch in Puppetfile i.e.
# mod 'module_name',
#  :git    => '',
#  :branch => 'master'
# The module name is determined from the repo name , i.e. <puppet-><module_name>
# All characters with left and including any hyphen are removed i.e. <puppet->
# Resource git_webhook is provided by
git_webhook { 'web_post_receive_webhook_for_module' :
  ensure       => present,
  webhook_url  => 'http://master.of.masters:8088/module',
  token        =>  hiera('github_api_token'),
  project_name => 'organization/puppet-module_name',
  server_url   => '',
  provider     => 'github',

Webhook Github Example - Authenticated

This is an example of using the webhook with authentication. The git_webhook type will use the api token to add the webhook to the "control" repo that contains your puppetfile. This is typically useful when you want to automate the addition of the webhook to the repo.

# Instead of running via mco, run r10k directly
class {'r10k::webhook::config':
  use_mcollective => false,

# External webhooks often need authentication and ssl and authentication
# Change the url below if this is changed

class {'r10k::webhook':
  ensure => true,
  server => {
      protected => true,
  tls    => {
      enabled     => true,
      certificate => '/path/to/ssl/certificate',
      key         => '/path/to/ssl/key',

# Add webhook to control repository ( the repo where the Puppetfile lives )
# Resource git_webhook is provided by
git_webhook { 'web_post_receive_webhook' :
  ensure             => present,
  webhook_url        => '',
  token              =>  hiera('github_api_token'),
  project_name       => 'organization/control',
  server_url         => '',
  disable_ssl_verify => true,
  provider           => 'github',

# Add webhook to module repo if we are tracking branch in Puppetfile i.e.
# mod 'module_name',
#  :git    => '',
#  :branch => 'master'
# The module name is determined from the repo name , i.e. <puppet-><module_name>
# All characters with left and including any hyphen are removed i.e. <puppet->
# Resource git_webhook is provided by
git_webhook { 'web_post_receive_webhook_for_module' :
  ensure       => present,
  webhook_url  => '',
  token        =>  hiera('github_api_token'),
  project_name => 'organization/puppet-module_name',
  server_url   => '',
  disable_ssl_verify => true,
  provider     => 'github',

Webhook Bitbucket Example

This is an example of using the webhook with Atlassian Bitbucket (former Stash). Requires the external hooks addon by and a specific Bitbucket user/pass. Remember to place the stash_mco.rb on the bitbucket server an make it executable. Enable the webhook over the repository settings External Async Post Receive Hook:

  • Executable: e.g. /opt/atlassian/bitbucket-data/external-hooks/stash_mco.rb (see hook_exe)
  • Positional parameters: -t
# Add deploy key
git_deploy_key { 'add_deploy_key_to_puppet_control':
  ensure       => present,
  name         => $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
  path         => '/root/.ssh/',
  username     => 'api',
  password     => 'pass',
  project_name => 'project',
  repo_name    => 'puppet',
  server_url   => '',
  provider     => 'stash',

# Add webhook
git_webhook { 'web_post_receive_webhook' :
  ensure       => present,
  webhook_url  => '',
  password     => 'pass',
  username     => 'api',
  project_name => 'project',
  repo_name    => 'puppet',
  server_url   => '',
  provider     => 'stash',
  hook_exe     => '/opt/atlassian/bitbucket-data/external-hooks/stash_mco.rb',

Webhook - remove webhook init script and config file.

For use when moving to Code Manager, or other solutions, and the webhook should be removed.

class {'r10k::webhook':
  ensure => false,

Webhook Prefix Example

Prefixing the command is currently not supported in Webhook Go. This support is expected to be added with a later release.

Webhook FOSS support with MCollective

MCollective is currently unsupported by Webhook Go. This is expected to be added in a future release and documentation will be updated for that then.

Webhook Slack notifications

You can enable Slack notifications for the webhook. You will need a Slack webhook URL and the slack-notifier gem installed.

To get the Slack webhook URL you need to:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose your team, press Configure.
  3. In configurations press Add configuration.
  4. Choose channel, press Add Incoming WebHooks integration.

Then configure the webhook to add your Slack Webhook URL.

class { 'r10k::webhook':
  . . .
  chatops => {
      enabled    => true,
      service    => 'slack',
      server_uri => 'http://slack.webhook/webhook', # mandatory for usage
      channel    => '#channel', # defaults to #default
      user       => 'r10k', # the username to use
      auth_token => "SLACKAUTHTOKEN",

Webhook Rocket.Chat notifications

You can enable Rocket.Chat notifications for the webhook. You will need a Rocket.Chat incoming webhook URL and the rocket-chat-notifier gem installed.

To get the Rocket.Chat incoming webhook URL you need to:

  1. Go to your Rocket.Chat and then select Administration-Integrations.
  2. Choose New integration.
  3. Choose Incoming WebHook. In the webhook form configure:
  • Enabled: True.
  • Name: A name for your webhook.
  • Post to Channel: The channel to post to by default.
  1. Save changes with Save Changes bottom.

Then configure the webhook to add your Rocket.Chat Webhook URL.

class { 'r10k::webhook':
  . . .
  chatops => {
    enabled    => true,
    service    => 'rocketchat',
    server_uri => '<your incoming webhook URL>',
    user       => 'username',
    channel    => '#channel',
    auth_token => 'ROCKETCHATAUTHTOKEN',

Webhook Default Branch

The default branch of the controlrepo is commonly called production. This value can be overridden if you use another default branch name, such as master.

class { 'r10k::webhook':
  ensure => true,
  r10k   => {
    default_branch => 'master', # Optional. Defaults to 'production'

Triggering the webhook from curl

To aid in debugging, or to give you some hints as to how to trigger the webhook by unsupported systems, here's a curl command to trigger the webhook to deploy the 'production' environment:

curl --header "X-Gitlab-Event: Push Hook" -d '
    "repository": {"name": "foo", "owner": {"login": "foo"}},
    "ref": "production"
  }' http://puppet-master.example:4000/api/v1/r10k/environment

If you are utilizing environment prefixes, you'll need to specify the full environment title (including the prefix) in the 'ref' parameter:

curl --header "X-Gitlab-Event: Push Hook" -d '
    "repository": {"name": "bar", "owner": {"login": "foo"}},
    "ref": "bar_production"
  }' http://puppet-master.example:4000/api/v1/r10k/environment


If you're not sure whether your webhook setup works:

  • Try to make a GET request to the heartbeat endpoint (e.g. http://puppet-master.example:8088/heartbeat).  You should see a short JSON answer similar to {"status":"success","message":"running"}.
  • Watch the webhook logfile at /var/log/webhook/access.log, and send requests (e.g. using curl). Example output if successful:
$ journalctl -f -u webhook-go.service
Jun 05 11:24:54 pop-os systemd[1]: Started Puppet Deployment API Server....


If you are building your image with the puppet, you need to prevent the webhook process from starting as a daemon.

The following is an example of declaring the webhook without a background mode

class { 'r10k::webhook':
  ensure => false,

Ignore deploying some environments

Webhook Go does not support this yet, but will in the future.


Class: r10k

This is the main public class to be declared , handingly installation and configuration declarations

Parameters within r10k:


A string to be passed in as the source with a hardcode prefix of puppet


A hash of all sources, this gets read out into the file as yaml. Must not be declared with remote


A single string setting the r10k.yaml configuration value of the same name


A path to the configuration file to manage. Be aware Puppet Enterprise 4.0 and higher may conflict if you manage /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/r10k.yaml


A value passed to the package resource for managing the gem version


Deprecated: for older configfile environments configuration of modulepath in puppet.conf


Deprecated: declare a resource for managing modulepath in Puppet.conf


A string setting ther10k.yaml configuration value of the same name


An optional string specifying location to retrieve gem


Integer defining how many threads should be spawn while updating modules. Only available for r10k >= 3.3.0.


The name of the package to be installed via the provider


The supported installation modes for this module

  • bundle
  • puppet_gem
  • gem

Options to pass to the provider declaration


Install mcollective application and agents. This does NOT configure mcollective automatically


Manage a symlink to the configuration file, for systems installed in weird file system configurations


This is the git: key in r10k, it accepts a hash that can be used to configure rugged support.

    $git_settings = {
      'provider'    => 'rugged',
      'private_key' => '/root/.ssh/id_rsa',

    class {'r10k':
      remote       => '',
      git_settings => $git_settings,

This is the forge: key in r10k, it accepts a hash that contains settings for downloading modules from the Puppet Forge.

    $forge_settings = {
      'proxy'   => '',
      'baseurl' => '',

    class {'r10k':
      remote         => '',
      forge_settings => $forge_settings,

This is the deploy: key in r10k, it accepts a hash that contains setting that control how r10k code deployments behave. Documentation for the settings can be found here.

    $deploy_settings = {
      'purge_levels' => ['puppetfile'],

    class {'r10k':
      remote          => '',
      deploy_settings => $deploy_settings,

boolean if to manage symlink


Deprecated: Add prerun_command to puppet.conf to run r10k when the agent on the master runs. Suggest instead declaring r10k::postrun_command as that will run after the agent runs which prevents r10k from stopping configuration management of masters from occurring as it does with prerun_commands

r10k::include_postrun_command: true

The concept here is that this is declared on the puppet master(s) that have been configured with r10k. This will cause r10k to synchronize after each puppet run. Any errors synchronizing will be logged to the standard puppet run.


The 4.1.x release deprecates support for:

  • Puppet 3
  • Ruby 1.9.3

These items are planned for removal in v5.0.0.


Please log tickets and issues at our Projects site



Modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can’t access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.

Running tests

This project contains tests for rspec-puppet to verify functionality. For in-depth information please see their respective documentation, as well as CONTRIBUTING.


    gem install bundler
    bundle install --without system_tests
    bundle exec rake test
    bundle exec rake lint

Check the .travis.yml for supported Operating System Versions