Virtual Reality Voice Feedback Plugin for Unity & SteamVR.
Learn more: and
This is an alpha version of voice recording plugin. Contact for account setup and access to backend / storage (including PROJECT_KEY).
Testing: Open ./Assets/VRTheFeedback/Scenes/Demo2DUI.unity in Unity. Enter "Play Mode". Click "Record Feedback" and start speaking. Click "Upload Feedback". Your message should be recorded as ogg. It won't be uploaded to server unless you configure a valid PROJECT_KEY on VRTheFeedbackManager Game Object.
Unity Scripting Runtime Version .NET 4.x Equivalent
- Download vr-the-feedback-0.4.unitypackage
- Import in Unity (requires SteamVR 1.2.3 and VRTK 3.3.0 for VR scene to work.)
- Drag prefabs into the scene: VRTheFeedbackManager, GrabbableMic
- Configure PROJECT_KEY on VRTheFeedbackManager.
- Set VRTheFeedbackManager on GrabbableMic.
See how FeedbackMicController interacts with VRTheFeedbackManager.
You can use your own object to capture feedback using VRTheFeedbackManager.
In particular, the important methods are:
feedbackManager.RecordFeedback(); ( mic starts recording ) feedbackManager.SaveFeedback(metadata); ( when user is done with speaking )