This is yet another starter template using React & Redux. However, this project attempts to create a bare bones starter to start developing on a side project, a demo or a POC right away. I created this after being fed up of using different starter and spending a day clearing out unnecessary code out of them. It demonstrates simple react redux flow along with a few offline capabilities using the technologies listed below.
But first, the demo! A basic counter, the buttons update the redux store via dispatching an action. Note: Check the console for state changes. (thanks to redux-logger)
- React
- Redux
- React Router
- create-react-app
- Babel and Webpack (now behind the scenes thanks to create-react-app)
Best React Practice - Separating "smart" and "dumb" components
This design pattern makes even more sense when using React along with Redux, where top-level smart components (a.k.a. containers in this codebase such as Home
) subscribe to Redux state and dispatch Redux actions, while low level components (such as User
) read data and invoke callbacks passed in as props.
Although it's "cool" to have universal (server-side, isomorphic) rendering these days, there are many situations (like this one) where that complexity is simply not useful or applicable.
Thanks to create-react-app, we will have a configuration-free dev experience.
To get started, please clone this git repository and then run npm install
once under the project top-level directory.
git clone awesome-project
cd awesome-project
npm install
This will install the dependencies for the client side.
You’ll need to have Node installed on your machine. (Node >= 6 and npm >= 3 are recommended).
Whenever you want to run/test the program, cd
to the project top-level directory. Use these commands:
Runs the app in the development mode, using the Webpack-provided "development server".
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
Note: eject
is an advanced create-react-app
tool. Read the how-to for details.
This project was ported to use create-react-app for handling all assets. Many questions are answered in its how-to.