This is a base64 based encoder/decoder tool mainly used to obscure base64 encoding to make your data transfer more secure and interesting.
pip install obscure64
Obfuscated coded data, causing headaches for those who get it.🤕
from obscure64 import Obscure64
ob64 = Obscure64()
result = ob64.encode("Hello World!".encode())
print(result) # output: b'sgvSBg8Gv29YBgqH'
print(ob64.decode(result)) # output: b'Hello World!'
import base64
print(base64.b64decode(result)) # output: b'\xb2\x0b\xd2\x06\x0f\x06\xbfoX\x06\n\x87'
print(base64.b64encode("Hello World!".encode())) # output: b'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh'
And you can make it interesting.🤔
You can pass in 65 emoji of length 1 to map 65 standard base64 characters.
from obscure64 import Obscure64
ob64 = Obscure64(
result = ob64.encode("Hello World!".encode())
print(result.decode()) # output: 🐎🐩🐃🐥🐑🐩🐛🐀🐃🐬🐜🐲🐑🐩🐅🐹
print(ob64.decode(result)) # output: b'Hello World!'