Unfold is an unofficial Fold Money CLI client, which covers the bare minimum API routes to fetch your transactions for a given period and even write them to a sqlite database. It also provides options for running an internal cron job through which this CLI acts as a daemon and fetches transactions every time the cron job's timer is met.
Fold's API is not publically available, I had to MITM their app to write this tool, and so there might be unforeseen consequences for your Fold account if you use this tool.
- You need a Fold Account, which is currently only available on an invite basis
- You need to connect to whichever banks you have using the Fold app first
- Using golang's build system:
$ go install github.com/wantguns/unfold
Caution: For all I know, Fold has not publically released a client which can support multiple sessions, which means when you use this CLI, you will be automatically logged out on your Phone's app
First, login to your account:
$ unfold login
Then you can fetch your transactions:
a. In plaintext:
$ unfold transactions
b. In plaintext and also write to a db:
# Write to a local file called `db.sqlite` by default $ unfold transactions -s 2023-09-20 --db
c. Create an internal cron job to fetch transactions every 20 seconds and save them to a db:
# Note: You need to enable the `-d` or `--db` flag to ensure that the changes are written to a database $ unfold transactions -s 2023-09-20 --db -w '@every 20s' 12:19AM INF Cron job set for fetching transactions, going into daemon mode 12:19AM INF Fetched transactions till 2023-10-17 12:20AM INF Fetched transactions till 2023-10-17
d. For a complete glossary of available options:
$ unfold transactions -h Prints the transactions from all of your accounts (default period: 1 month) Usage: unfold transactions [flags] Flags: -d, --db Save the results in a sqlite db -D, --db-path string Sets path for the database (default "db.sqlite") -h, --help help for transactions -s, --since string fetch transactions since in this format: YYYY-MM-DD (default "XXXX-XX-XX") -t, --till string fetch transactions till in this format: YYYY-MM-DD (default "XXXX-XX-XX") -w, --watch string Set an internal cron job to trigger this command. You can use non-standard cron expressions like '@every 6h'. This will disable plaintext mode, so add a '-d' flag if you want to write to db Global Flags: --config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/unfold/config.yaml) -v, --debug Enable debug mode Prints the transactions from all of your accounts (default period: 1 month)
There are a few more subcommands which Unfold provides and uses internally. You can get a list by:
$ unfold
An unofficial cli client for fold.money
unfold [command]
Available Commands:
availability Returns a range of dates for when your banking data is available
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
login Log in to your fold account
refresh Refresh your auth tokens
transactions Prints the transactions from all of your accounts (default period: 1 month)
user Get your account details
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/unfold/config.yaml)
-v, --debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help help for unfold
Use "unfold [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Fold Money, for their Account Aggregator integration