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wardle committed Mar 11, 2024
1 parent d98e4f1 commit bc7da2f
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Showing 2 changed files with 72 additions and 38 deletions.
91 changes: 63 additions & 28 deletions src/com/eldrix/hermes/impl/lmdb.clj
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Expand Up @@ -42,25 +42,25 @@
(s/def ::store any?)

(deftype LmdbStore
[^Path rootPath
[^Path rootPath
;;;; core env
^Env coreEnv
^Env coreEnv
;; core stores - simple or compound keys and values
^Dbi concepts ;; conceptId = concept
^Dbi conceptDescriptions ;; conceptId-descriptionId = description
^Dbi relationships ;; relationshipId = relationship
^Dbi concreteValues ;; conceptId-relationshipId = concreteValue
^Dbi concepts ;; conceptId = concept
^Dbi conceptDescriptions ;; conceptId-descriptionId = description
^Dbi relationships ;; relationshipId = relationship
^Dbi concreteValues ;; conceptId-relationshipId = concreteValue

;; core indices - compound keys with empty values
^Dbi descriptionConcept ;; descriptionId - conceptId
^Dbi conceptParentRelationships ;; sourceId - typeId - group - destinationId
^Dbi conceptChildRelationships ;; destinationId - typeId - group - sourceId
^Dbi componentRefsets ;; referencedComponentId - refsetId - msb - lsb
^Dbi associations ;; targetComponentId - refsetId - referencedComponentId - msb - lsb
^Dbi descriptionConcept ;; descriptionId - conceptId
^Dbi conceptParentRelationships ;; sourceId - typeId - group - destinationId
^Dbi conceptChildRelationships ;; destinationId - typeId - group - sourceId
^Dbi componentRefsets ;; referencedComponentId - refsetId - msb - lsb
^Dbi associations ;; targetComponentId - refsetId - referencedComponentId - msb - lsb
;;;; refset env
^Env refsetsEnv
^Dbi refsetItems ;; refset-item-id = refset-item
^Dbi refsetFieldNames] ;; refset-id = field-names]
^Env refsetsEnv
^Dbi refsetItems ;; refset-item-id = refset-item
^Dbi refsetFieldNames] ;; refset-id = field-names]
(close [_]
(when-not (.isReadOnly coreEnv)
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idx-key (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 16)
idx-val (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 0)]
(try (doseq [^Description description descriptions]
(doto kb .clear (.writeLong (.-conceptId description)) (.writeLong (.-id description)))
(doto idx-key .clear (.writeLong (.-id description)) (.writeLong (.-conceptId description)))
(doto kb
(.writeLong (.-conceptId description))
(.writeLong (.-id description)))
(doto idx-key
(.writeLong (.-id description))
(.writeLong (.-conceptId description)))
(when (should-write-object? db txn kb 8 (.-effectiveTime description))
(.clear vb)
(ser/write-description vb description)
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kb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 8) ;; relationship id
vb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 64)] ;; relationship entity
(try (doseq [^Relationship relationship relationships]
(doto kb .clear (.writeLong (.-id relationship)))
(doto kb
(.writeLong (.-id relationship)))
(when (should-write-object? db txn kb 8 (.-effectiveTime relationship)) ;; skip an 8 byte id (relationship-id) in the value
(.clear vb)
(ser/write-relationship vb relationship)
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kb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 16) ;; conceptId-relationshipId (compound key)
vb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 4096)] ;; concrete value entity
(try (doseq [^ConcreteValue cv concrete-values]
(doto kb .clear (.writeLong (.-sourceId cv)) (.writeLong (.-id cv)))
(doto kb
(.writeLong (.-sourceId cv))
(.writeLong (.-id cv)))
(when (should-write-object? db txn kb 8 (.-effectiveTime cv)) ;; skip an 8 byte id (relationship-id) in the value
(if (:active cv)
(do (.clear vb)
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(when continue?
(let [^Relationship relationship (ser/read-relationship (.val cursor))]
(when (.-active relationship)
(doto parent-idx-key .clear (.writeLong (.-sourceId relationship)) (.writeLong (.-typeId relationship)) (.writeLong (.-relationshipGroup relationship)) (.writeLong (.-destinationId relationship)))
(doto child-idx-key .clear (.writeLong (.-destinationId relationship)) (.writeLong (.-typeId relationship)) (.writeLong (.-relationshipGroup relationship)) (.writeLong (.-sourceId relationship)))
(doto parent-idx-key .clear
(.writeLong (.-sourceId relationship))
(.writeLong (.-typeId relationship))
(.writeLong (.-relationshipGroup relationship))
(.writeLong (.-destinationId relationship)))
(doto child-idx-key .clear
(.writeLong (.-destinationId relationship))
(.writeLong (.-typeId relationship))
(.writeLong (.-relationshipGroup relationship))
(.writeLong (.-sourceId relationship)))
(.put parent-idx write-txn parent-idx-key idx-val put-flags)
(.put child-idx write-txn child-idx-key idx-val put-flags)))
(.resetReaderIndex ^ByteBuf (.val cursor)) ;; reset position in value otherwise .next will throw an exception on second item
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item-kb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 16) ;; a UUID - 16 bytes
vb (.directBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator/DEFAULT) 512)]
(loop [items' items refset-ids #{}]
(loop [items' items, refset-ids #{}]
(when-let [item (first items')]
(when-not (contains? refset-ids (:refsetId item))
(write-refset-headings store refsets-txn (:refsetId item) headings))
(let [msb (.getMostSignificantBits ^UUID (:id item))
lsb (.getLeastSignificantBits ^UUID (:id item))]
(doto item-kb .clear (.writeLong msb) (.writeLong lsb))
(doto item-kb
(.writeLong msb)
(.writeLong lsb))
(when (should-write-object? items-db refsets-txn item-kb 17 (:effectiveTime item)) ;; skip a 17 byte key (type-msb-lsb; type = 1 byte, msb = 8 bytes, lsb = 8 bytes)
(.clear vb)
(ser/write-refset-item vb item)
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"Iterates all active reference set items and rebuilds indices.
Each *active* item is indexed:
- componentRefsets : referencedComponentId -- refsetId -- msb -- lsb
- associations : targetComponentId -- refsetId -- referencedComponentId - msb - lsb"
- associations : targetComponentId -- refsetId -- referencedComponentId - msb - lsb
We delete all indexes "
[^LmdbStore store]
(with-open [^Txn write-txn (.txnWrite ^Env (.-coreEnv store))
^Txn read-txn (.txnRead ^Env (.-refsetsEnv store))
Expand All @@ -337,10 +360,21 @@
lsb (.getLeastSignificantBits ^UUID (:id item))
target-id (:targetComponentId item)]
(when (:active item)
(doto component-kb .clear (.writeLong (:referencedComponentId item)) (.writeLong (:refsetId item)) (.writeLong msb) (.writeLong lsb))
(doto component-kb
(.writeLong (:referencedComponentId item))
(.writeLong (:refsetId item))
(.writeLong msb)
(.writeLong lsb))
(.put components-db write-txn component-kb idx-val put-flags)
(when target-id
(doto assoc-kb .clear (.writeLong target-id) (.writeLong (:refsetId item)) (.writeLong (:referencedComponentId item)) (.writeLong msb) (.writeLong lsb))
(doto assoc-kb
(.writeLong target-id)
(.writeLong (:refsetId item))
(.writeLong (:referencedComponentId item))
(.writeLong msb)
(.writeLong lsb))
(.put assocs-db write-txn assoc-kb idx-val put-flags))))
(.resetReaderIndex ^ByteBuf (.val cursor))
(recur (.next cursor))))
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did (.readLong kb')
concept-id (.readLong kb')]
(when (= description-id did)
(doto kb .clear (.writeLong concept-id) (.writeLong description-id))
(doto kb
(.writeLong concept-id)
(.writeLong description-id))
(when-let [vb (.get ^Dbi (.-conceptDescriptions store) txn kb)]
(ser/read-description vb))))))
(finally (.release kb)))))
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[component-id refset-id -1 -1 -1]
(fn [^ByteBuf b] (.getLong b 16)))))

(defn status
[^LmdbStore store]
(with-open [^Txn core-txn (.txnRead ^Env (.-coreEnv store))
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:component-refsets (.entries (.stat ^Dbi (.-componentRefsets store) core-txn))
:associations (.entries (.stat ^Dbi (.-associations store) core-txn))}}))

(defn- dbi-stat
"Return internal statistics regarding a DBI. Total size is calculated from the
total number of pages and page size, with a mean size per entry."
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19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions src/com/eldrix/hermes/impl/store.clj
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ds' (if include-inactive? ds (filter :active ds))]
(filter #(= snomed/Synonym (:typeId %)) ds'))))

(defn description-refsets
"Get the refsets and language applicability for a description.
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(s/fdef fully-specified-name
:args (s/alt
:default (s/cat :store ::store :concept-id :info.snomed.Concept/id)
:specified (s/cat :store ::store :concept-id :info.snomed.Concept/id
:language-refset-ids (s/coll-of :info.snomed.Concept/id) :fallback? boolean?))
:default (s/cat :store ::store :concept-id :info.snomed.Concept/id)
:specified (s/cat :store ::store :concept-id :info.snomed.Concept/id
:language-refset-ids (s/coll-of :info.snomed.Concept/id) :fallback? boolean?))
:ret (s/nilable :info.snomed/Description))
(defn ^:deprecated fully-specified-name
"DEPRECATED: Use [[preferred-fully-specified-name]] instead.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,7 +473,7 @@
MovedFrom are included, but this is configurable. "
([st concept-ids]
(with-historical st concept-ids
(disj (all-children st snomed/HistoricalAssociationReferenceSet) snomed/MovedToReferenceSet snomed/MovedFromReferenceSet)))
(disj (all-children st snomed/HistoricalAssociationReferenceSet) snomed/MovedToReferenceSet snomed/MovedFromReferenceSet)))
([st concept-ids historical-refset-ids]
(let [refset-ids (set historical-refset-ids)
future-ids (map :targetComponentId (filter #(refset-ids (:refsetId %)) (mapcat #(kv/component-refset-items st %) concept-ids)))
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field-names (mapv keyword (subvec all-field-names 5))
fields (subvec (snomed/->vec item) 5)] ;; every reference set has 5 core attributes and then additional fields
(zipmap field-names fields)
(when attr-ids? (zipmap attr-ids fields))
(dissoc item :fields))))
(zipmap field-names fields)
(when attr-ids? (zipmap attr-ids fields))
(dissoc item :fields))))

(defn refset-counts
"Returns a map of reference set counts keyed by type.
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(defmulti write-batch
"Write a batch of SNOMED components to the store. Returns nil.
"Write a batch of SNOMED components to the store. Returns nil.
- store - SNOMED CT store implementation
- batch - a map containing :type, :headings and :data keys.
The implementation will be chosen via the :type of the batch."
(fn [_store batch] (:type batch)))
(fn [_store batch] (:type batch)))
(defmethod write-batch :info.snomed/Concept [store {data :data}]
(kv/write-concepts store data))
(defmethod write-batch :info.snomed/Description [store {data :data}]
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